Whats your name? Sam.
How old are you? 20.
Greatest birthday gift you ever got? Oh, Christ. I have no idea. O.o Maybe when I got to skydive. That was a birthday/high school graduation gift, but it was for both.
Do people who you think are prettier than you make you feel subconscious? Not really.
Are you a shy person? Sometimes. Really depends on the situation and my mood.
Worst memory you have? I have many. Let's not re-live any of them, yeah?
First memory you can remember? Seeing a bunny in the graveyard my dad used to take me to walks through. I was 3.
Do you have a favorite pair of shoes? My brand new purple Doc Martens that are lined with faux fur. o_o
Oldest object you own? When did you get it? I'm sure I have more, but I think the oldest thing I have in my current place is Pan-pan, my stuffed panda I got on my 8th birthday.
Meanest person you know? Why do you feel this way? Oh geez. I have not the slightest idea. Probably my dorm roommate in my first year of college. She turned the entire girl's floor against me because I wasn't a typical sorority girl like her and she was queen of the floor. I ended up living in my best high school friend's room on one of the guy floors upstairs and only went downstairs to change, shower, or use the bathroom. I kept my laptop, backpack, and other important stuff in their room. She was horrible.
Best teacher you ever had? Mrs. Helms, my 1st grade teacher.
Greatest lesson you learned… on your own? Oh god. Have I ever even learned any? :P
Worst heartbreak? Who causes it, and what was it over? My ex and I were together for 4 years before he dumped me after finding out I was going to dump him. I mean, at that point our relationship had fallen apart so much that there was really nothing that could be fixed, but it was still really painful to have it come to an end after 4 years.
Ever been dumped? By who? See above. I mean, I was "dumped" before then, but those were silly week-month long middle school relationships. :P
Have you ever dumped someone? Why? Yeah, middle school stuff. And my 8th-early 9th grade boyfriend who I was with for almost a year. I was kinda mean, I dumped him through a note because I liked someone else.
Best thing to do on a rainy day? Drink a warm yummy thing and stay in watching a movie or something else on Netflix. Or napping. Napping is a wonderful thing.
Who do you look like most, mom or dad? I used to look more like my dad when I was younger. I still have his smile, but I think I look a lot more like my mom now.
What celebrity do you think you look like? I've been told Lindsay Lohan (when she was younger and didn't do drugs) and Avril Lavigne (no) and I think once somebody said I looked like Ellen Page. O.o Oh, and Claire Danes and Alyson Hannigan (when she played Willow on Buffy)
Do you like the rain? I love the way it sounds and smells and when it's warm or it's summer (essentially when it's warm outside) I love it, but I don't like being in it when it's cold.
Weirdest experience you ever had? I’ve had far too many to pick one.
Your best friend in 1st grade? Probably my friend Jenny.
Your best friend(s) now? Ryan. I know boyfriends don't really count, but he's my closest friend, honestly.
Do you trust people? It really depends on the person and how well I know them, etc.
Where do you buy most of your food? Safeway.
Do you like Starbucks or McDonald’s coffee more? Okay, is this question for real? I mean, REALLY? There is no competition whatsoever here. McDonald's coffee isn't coffee any more than their food is food.
Do you love packages? It's pretty awesome getting one, yeah.
Last thing you ordered online? Christmas presents!
Last thing you bought? Christmas presents?
Last house you have been to, who’s was it, and why were you there? Besides my own? My friend Brownie's house, to play L5R.
Last thing that upset you? No clue.
One thing that people do that you cannot stand? Hmm... I dunno.
Do you have kids? Not yet. Maybe in 7 or 8 years.
Rudest person you know: No clue.
How old were you when you had your first kiss? 12.
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? Ha. Briefly, until his personality kinda changed that for me.
Did or do you play any school sports? I played Ultimate Frisbee for a couple months.
Can you swim? Yeah, but I've never competed or anything.
Tell me the scariest thing that has ever happened to you: I don't really know.
Has anyone ever saved your life? I don't think so...
If you were in the water and saw a shark, what would you do? Swim away?
Do bugs scare you? Not really. Except millipedes, earwigs, and silverfish. EWW.
Your pet peeve: I have some.
What do you think the worst trait another person can have is? I dunno.
Do you have any pimples on your face right now? Maybe?
Do you wear makeup? I tend to put on eyeliner and mascara and sometimes I put on a bit of eyeshadow and/or lipstick.
Do you know anyone who is a severe drug addict? No. I know people who were in the past.
Have you ever smoked pot? Hahhahahahahahaha. I think I've addressed this in previous surveys.
Done coke? Never have, never will.
Do you take sleeping pills? No.
Are you depressed right now? Nuh uh.
Have you ever written a suicide letter? Yes, when I was adolescent and angsty as fuck.
Last thing you cried about? I got home from a final for a class I need to graduate and I'm pretty sure I failed it. :(
Would you sacrifice your life for someone else? If so who: Pretty much anyone I actually care about.
Tell me about your latest dream: I don't know. I VERY RARELY ever remember my dreams.
What time do you normally wake up in the morning? Depends on if I have things to do. Otherwise, between 11am-1pm.
What are you looking forward to? Christmas!
Anything you are dreading right now? Seeing my grades (December 20)
Did you go to your prom? I went to my senior prom (I didn't go to my junior prom). Kinda wish I had decided not to.
Have you ever been in a limo? No. :(
Have you ever been the maid of honor in a wedding party? No, but I have been a "junior" bridesmaid.
Has anyone ever told you that you were ugly? Umm... yes.
Do you think you’re pretty? Not really, no.
Do you like guys who are shorter than you? No. I DO like girls that are shorter than me.
What was the name of your first pet? Brooklyn and Vindaloo (we got them at the same time, but my mom was the one who named Vindaloo. Brooklyn was my name choice.)
Do you have a calendar? If so, what is the theme of it? No.
What type of cell phone do you have? Kyocera Rise, but NOT FOR LONG. :D (My mom told me that "Santa" will be gifting me a new phone)
About how many text messages do you send per day? Usually a lot, but depends on the day.
Your biggest fear: Hmm... I really can't say right now.
Your worst enemy: I don't have one.
Does anyone hate you, if so why? I don't know and I don't care.
Have you ever been sent to the principals office? If so why? And how did you feel? Hmm... I feel like I have, but I don't remember and I don't know why.
Lost someone close to you? My kitty Brooklyn. You can say she doesn't count but she does. I had that cat since I was 7, 13 years, and I grew up with her and I loved her so much.
Are your grandparents still alive? Both of my grandpas died before I was born, but both of my grandmas are still alive.
Have you ever witnessed someone dying? Not a person. I saw my kitty get put down, though. In fact, she was on my lap...
Have you ever saved a life? I think I have. I do an online thing that's like a suicide hotline, but it's an online IM and I'm pretty sure I've stopped at least one person from killing themself.
Do you know how to fly a kite? Vaguely.
Biggest accomplishment in your life is… Dunno.
Have you ever thrown a theme party? If so, what was the theme? I don't think I have.
How many friends do you have…really? Not many.
Ever dated someone you were best friends with first? Yeah, my only 2 super serious boyfriends.
What is your life like day to day? It's whatever.
Have you ever cheated on someone? Mmhmm.
Ever been cheated on? Mmhmm.
Have you ever had a friend turn their back on you? Yup.
Has a friend ever made you cry? Indeed.
Best dish you know how to cook: Anything baked.
Do you have a pool? No.
Do you own your house, or do you still live with your parents? Neither. I rent an apartment.
Are you religious? Umm, I'm a Taoist Athiest Unitarian Universalist.
Have you ever lost someone to tragedy? I don't think so.
Have you ever skinny dipped before? I wish!
What movie could you watch over and over again, and never get sick of it? There are a few.
Tell me a movie that you watched, and you didn’t understand what it was about? These questions are kinda dumb.
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