01. I’m in a relationship
02. I can’t eat sugar
03. I am in love
04. I think Bush was an awesome president
05. I think gay marriage should be approved
06. I enjoy playing my music loud
07. I like to decorate stuff
08. I love the color silver
09. I have too much free time
10. I love hugs!
11. I like to take pictures
12. I am a blonde
13. I love Vanilla Coke
14. My parents are divorced or separated
15. I get amused easily sometimes
16. I hate my sibling sometimes
17. I love all my friends to death
18. I have been to the world of my own at least once
19. I love Aladdin
20. I’m afraid of losing loved ones
21. When I get home the first thing I do is get on computer
22. I need to apply myself more.
23. I need more sleep
24. I like to write poetry
25. Hypocrites piss me off
26. I wish I could ride a motorcycle
27. I don’t like chocolate much
28. I have weird dreams
29. I don’t have a shower
30. I love to swim
31. I’m scared of changes
33. I don’t do extracurricular activities
34. I’m too lazy
35. I am an atheist
36. I tend to hate jerks
37. I’d rather have a small group of close friends than a large group of friends that I didn’t know all that well
38. I’m easily hurt
39. I’m an Internet nut
40. AIM takes up 1/4 of my life
41. I like giving gifts
42. I enjoy receiving them as well
43. I’m quiet in class and loud with my friends
44. I love watching films
45. I am very crazy at times
46. I know how to play the flute
47. I love where I go to school
48. I hate my homelife
49. I don’t like eating
50. I leave school soon
51. I am an impulse spender
52. I only ever seem to drink pepsi/coke
53. I have lots of nicknames
54. I eat too much junk food
55. I’ve had a Xanga for over a year
56. I’m tough on the outside, super sensitive on the inside
57. I love video games
58. I am shy at first
59. I’m scared that the entire world hates me
60. I love sarcasm
61. I’m a bit blonde at times
62. I think I scare people sometimes
63. I think snobby people suck
64. I hate it when people judge others without knowing them well
65. I prefer the internet to the TV
66. I can cry and not be sad
67. I shower
68. I interrupt people a lot
69. I hate it when people ignore me or irritate me
70. I’m quiet, then I come out with random outbursts
71. I have a lot of pet peeves
72. I hate scratched CD’s and DVD’s
73. I love blue eyes
74. I hate acting girlish
75. I’m a very messy person
76. I want more piercings
77. I hate my figure
78. My friends are loud but awesome
79. I sleep on my side
80. I appreciate nice things that are done for me, even if it’s just a compliment
81. I’d love to have the money to buy things for people for no reason at all
82. Iced coffee is the best
83. I want to get my ears pierced again
84. I want my belly button pierced
85. I like sitting around doing nothing if it pleases me
86. I don’t like talking to new people
87. I love horse back riding
88. I’m a daydreamer
89. I never want to get married
90. I like clean sheets
91. I love to ramble about random things
92. If I leave my hair to dry it goes curly
93. I don’t sleep much
94. I loathe sunbathing
95. I’m scared of the near future
96. I hate it when parents take sides
97. My starsign is virgo
98. I share my Birthday with best friend.
99. I love recieving Xanga Comments
100. I’ve rode in a hot air balloon
101. I’ve bowled left handed
102. I love popcorn
103. I’ve liked my best friend before
104. I wake up to an alarm clock
105. I hide things under my bed
106. I hate closed-minded people
107. I have gone sky diving
108. I’ve written a book
109. I love Def Leppard
110. I make wishes on “11:11”
111. I’ve played lacrosse
112. I have the same best friend since kindergarten
113. I absolutely love cute/weird socks
114. I know what I want to be when I grow up
115. I write in cursive
116. I paint my nails
117. My best friend lives in another state
118. I watch T.V. to fall asleep
119. I try to always do my hair in cute styles, but it never looks good.
120. Whenever I’m bored, I usually resort to dumb quizzes like this one.
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
List the last 10 people you facebook chatted/messaged with: (Or the 10 friends on the side of your page if you dont use fb chat.)
- Candi (Mom)
- Colleen (Stepmom)
- Lex
- Karina
- Christopher
- Liron
- April
- Dylan
- Ryan
- Anne (Grama)
Put them in order of how long you’ve known them, starting with who you met first
1, 10, 2, 6, 9, 5, 4, 7, 3 & 8 (same time for those last 2)
How long have you known each person:
- Since the day I was born
- Hmm... for... 8 years or so?
- Honestly, a year now.
- 2 years-ish.
- 2 and a half years?
- Maybe... 4 or 5 years.
- A year, maybe?
- Same as Lex (#3)
- 2 and a half years. <3
- Also, since I was born.
Have you ever dated any of them? Who?
- Just Ryan, who I'm still dating. ^^
Ever had a crush on any of them?
- Indeedy. Also Ryan.
Have a crush on any of them right now?
- Still Ryan.
So who on that list have you kissed?
- Well, mom. Grama. If those don't count, Ryan.
Who was the better kisser?
- Ryan is best kisser!
Who on that list has seen you in your underwear?
- Mom, Colleen, Lex, Liron, Dylan, Ryan, Grama
Who have you seen in their underwear?
- Mom, Colleen, Liron, Ryan
When was the last time you saw each person:
- A couple weeks ago.
- A couple months ago, I suppose.
- Umm... not recently. Quite awhile ago.
- Been a long time...
- A couple weeks ago.
- Been far too long, since we live in the same town.
- A couple days ago.
- Way too long.
- Almost two months. D: (We're long distance right now.)
- Oh geez... last time she came to visit. Half a year?
If you had to kill one who would you kill?
- Karina? I dunno, I don't want to kill anyone.
Pick one to marry, snog and avoid.
- Marry - Ryan. Snog - April. Avoid - Karina.
Pick the 4 you would want with you stuck on an island:
- Ryan, April, Dylan, and... mom?
Playing spin the bottle (where you kiss who it lands on), who do you want it to be?
- Ryan.
Describe the looks of each person:
- Purty. Short, glasses, shoulder length brown hair.
- Looks older (her age), really short hair.
- Usually wearing a hat, glasses
- Strawberry blond curly long hair, cute smile
- Tall (compared to me), short black curly hair, scruffy face.
- Long curly blond hair, super purty.
- Long brown hair, large boobs (I noticed), glasses
- Tall, glasses, actually looks awkward
- Is adorable, handsome, and sexy, all at once.
- Looks healthy for her age (she's 71!). Chin length salt and pepper hair, glasses, super sweet smile.
What is your favourite thing about each person?
- I couldn't have asked for a better mom. I love her.
- She makes my dad happy, and she's a nice woman.
- He's nice to talk to.
- She's sweet and has seen me in some bad places (mentally) but still likes me.
- He's funny and fun to chat with.
- She's really fun and I think we should hang out more.
- She's my fiance, so what isn't to like? (She jokingly proposed to me at work one day, so we constantly joke about how we're engaged)
- He's adorably awkward.
- <3 <3 <3 EVERYTHING. <3 <3 <3
- She's my Grama! ^^
I have...
Cross off the ones you’ve done:
3. gotten pregnant
7. used a little paper bag for lunch
12. bullied someone on the internet
13. sexted
15. played on a sports team
17. smoked cigarettes
18. smoked a cigar
21. been overweight
23. had an eating disorder
25. made fun of someone for being fat
33. ran a mile in less than 10 minutes
37. had a credit card
41. won a trophy
44. got engaged
45. been on a diet
46. tried out to be on a tv show
52. had a three-some
54. been in a car accident
63. had my wisdom teeth taken out
65. snuck out of the house
66. bought porn
67. had a virus on my computer
70. gone skinny dipping
71. graduated from college
72. wore someone else’s clothes
74. rode in an ambulance
75. rode in a helicopter
76. caught the stove on fire
78. been on vacation
79. been on an airplane
80. been on a boat
81. had surgery.
83. beat a video game
84. found something valuable on the ground
85. made a survey
88. been to a library outside of school
89. spent over $100 shopping in one day
90. cut my hair and hated it
91. peed outside
92. went fishing
93. helped with charity
95. been rejected by a crush
96. been suspended from school
99. owned a pet
100. been to six flags
Random Survey #24
Honestly, if you wanted to get laid right now, could you?
- Umm... not by somebody I want to...
Have you kissed someone with braces?
- Yeah, when I was in middle school. :P
If you could change your eye color what would it be?
- I like my eyes alright, but I do think green eyes are really pretty. If I could change my eyes to any color, I'd want them to be purple. :3
Do you sing in the car?
- Sometimes
Do you have a hard time admitting you’re wrong?
- Depends on what I'm wrong about, but usually... yes.
Do you prefer to take showers at night or in the morning?
- Morning.
When is the last time you had pizza?
-Last... Friday, I think?
Do you think you have made a difference in anyone’s life?
- I hope I have.
Were you single on your last birthday?
- Nope.
Do you wear shoes in your house or take them off?
- Take them off.
When you watch movies at home, do you like the lights on or off?
- Depends.
How was your day overall?
- Kinda lame... I took 3 finals, one of which I definitely failed and one of which I possibly failed.
Do you swallow gum when you’re finished?
- Most of the way.
How are you feeling at this exact moment?
- Mediocre.
Do you ever wonder how other people see you?
- I mean, sometimes, but it doesn't affect me much.
What’s something you really want right now?
- Snuggles. ^^
Do you brush your teeth in the shower?
- Umm... no. That's not a common thing people do, is it?
If you could go back in time and change something, would you?
- No. All of my past experiences have shaped who I am today.
What do you do when something’s wrong?
- Depends on what kind of wrong it is. I write in my journal quite a bit.
Do you wish someone would turn up at your front door right now?
- Hmm... there are only certain people I'd be cool with showing up at my place at 4 am... but I certainly wouldn't mind any of them being here right now.
Ever kissed someone who’s name started with a R, D, T, or J?
- Yes. Probably all of those. I'm with an R though.
What do you hear?
- Music in my ears (Blaqk Audio at the moment)
Have you seen any of the Saw movies?
- The first 4... 4 was bad enough that I didn't bother watching more.
Do you like country music?
- Nope. One of the few genres I don't like.
Who is the last person that called you?
- My roommate.
Will this weekend be a good one?
- Probably.
Who hugged you last?
- Umm... I have no idea. I think it was my coworker, Esther.
Have you ever worn the opposite sex’s clothing?
- Many a time.
Do you play any of those games on Facebook like FarmVille or CityVille?
- Nope. Never did.
What toppings do you prefer to eat on pizza? Do you prefer thick or thin crust? Or
maybe stuffed crust?
-My go to: Black olives, pineapple and pepperoni. I prefer either thin crust (crispy) or stuffed.
Have you read “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” series by Stieg Larsson?
- Nope.
How heavy does the rain have to be before you’ll put your hood up/get an umbrella
- I'm from the Pacific Northwest, so it has to be raining pretty hard for me to actually do anything about it...
When you’re at home, do you tend to spend more time in your room or around your
- I don't live with my family, since I'm nearly 21, but I'd say I spend more time in my room than hanging out with my roomie.
Would you find it creepy to date someone with the same name as a parent or sibling?
- I mean, not really. Might be a little hard to adjust to, but it isn't like the same person, so... *shrug*
How much sleep did you get last night? Is this more or less than normal?
- 3 hours, since I was studying for three finals.
When you get a headache, do you take painkillers straight away, or do you try and wait
it out?
- Depends on how bad the headache is.
When was the last time you helped a stranger?
- I couldn't say.
Is there anything else going on in the room that you’re in at the moment?
- Not besides my guinea pigs rustling around.
Are you embarrassed to kiss your partner in public, or would you be if you’re single?
- Not at all.
What as the last movie you watched at home, and who were you with?
- Hmm... I think it must have been when Sho (my roomie) and I watched Bad Grandpa.
What was the last colour you dyed your hair? If you’ve never dyed it before, do you like
- Ash blond. I think my tips are going to be purple soon, though. I have leftover dye from when I did my whole head purple a long time ago, but I don't want to do my whole head again.
Friday, March 7, 2014
Seven Sections
ONE - S**
1. Do you still talk to the person you lost your virginity to?
Yeah, I do, but not a ton.
1. Do you still talk to the person you lost your virginity to?
Yeah, I do, but not a ton.
2. Where is the weirdest place you’ve had s**?
Either a public park, or my old high school.
Either a public park, or my old high school.
3. Favorite position?
Doggy style.
Doggy style.
4. Enjoy getting and/or giving oral?
Yeah, I suppose.
5. How about anal?
Nope. Never will happen.
6. Do you watch p***ography?
No, but I read hentai manga. A lot. ^^;;
7. Do you find it awkward to talk about sex?
Not really. I'm an adult, so I see no reason to feel awkward about it.
TWO - Work & Education
1. Did you attend college? Where?
I'm attending the University of Oregon right now.
Yeah, I suppose.
5. How about anal?
Nope. Never will happen.
6. Do you watch p***ography?
No, but I read hentai manga. A lot. ^^;;
7. Do you find it awkward to talk about sex?
Not really. I'm an adult, so I see no reason to feel awkward about it.
TWO - Work & Education
1. Did you attend college? Where?
I'm attending the University of Oregon right now.
2. Where do you work?
The campus library and also the science library (also on campus)
3. Does your job have to do with what you studied in college?
Yeah, I'm an English major and want to get my masters of library science eventually.
4. What was your favorite job?
Love the library. <3
5. Do you plan on going back to college for anything?
I’m in college.
6. What job would you never want to have?
I have to pick one?
7. What subjects did you/do you wish to learn the most about?
English is cool.
THREE - Family
1. Are your parents still alive? Close with them?
Yes, and I'm pretty close with my mom and stepdad. Don't really talk to my dad and stepmom much.
2. Are you close with any other family?
I talk to my maternal grandmother quite a bit.
3. How about nieces/nephews?
I'm an only child, so I don't have those.
4. Do you have any kids of your own? Names?
I'm 20. I'd rather wait.
5. Do you live near your family?
Only about a 45 min drive away. ^o^
6. Do you have pets you consider family?
Not anymore. :(
7. How often do you depend on your family to help you out?
They do whenever they can.
FOUR - Relationships
1. Are you in a serious relationship? (if not skip)
2. Are you married or plan on marrying this person?
No, we aren't married. Maybe someday, but we're still young and not ready to make that decision, imo.
3. What are some fun things recently you and this person have done?
Not much... we live in separate states.
4. Would you/have you had children with this person?
I would if we stayed together for a long time from now.
5. Have you traveled anywhere with them?
Not really. I mean, we've driven between Oregon and Washington a few times, but that's not really "travel"
6. What is the last gift they gave you?
Umm... he bought me purple Doc Martens for Xmas.
7. Do the two of you go out often?
Not so much anymore. Since he moved. :/
FIVE - Drugs
1. Did you ever do drugs in your younger years?
I started smoking weed when I was 18. Still do.
2. Which ones?
See above.
3. How long did you do them?
Seriously, look at #1 again.
4. Do you think adults should do drugs?
Depends on the drug, the frequency with which they do them, how responsible they are, etc.
5. Did you ever have a bad experience on drugs?
I had a really yucky high once when I wasn't used to it and smoked more than I could handle with people I wasn't super close with.
6. What would you do if you caught your kids doing drugs?
Depends on how old they were, which drug(s), etc.
7. Do many people you know do drugs?
Quite a few.
The campus library and also the science library (also on campus)
3. Does your job have to do with what you studied in college?
Yeah, I'm an English major and want to get my masters of library science eventually.
4. What was your favorite job?
Love the library. <3
5. Do you plan on going back to college for anything?
I’m in college.
6. What job would you never want to have?
I have to pick one?
7. What subjects did you/do you wish to learn the most about?
English is cool.
THREE - Family
1. Are your parents still alive? Close with them?
Yes, and I'm pretty close with my mom and stepdad. Don't really talk to my dad and stepmom much.
2. Are you close with any other family?
I talk to my maternal grandmother quite a bit.
3. How about nieces/nephews?
I'm an only child, so I don't have those.
4. Do you have any kids of your own? Names?
I'm 20. I'd rather wait.
5. Do you live near your family?
Only about a 45 min drive away. ^o^
6. Do you have pets you consider family?
Not anymore. :(
7. How often do you depend on your family to help you out?
They do whenever they can.
FOUR - Relationships
1. Are you in a serious relationship? (if not skip)
2. Are you married or plan on marrying this person?
No, we aren't married. Maybe someday, but we're still young and not ready to make that decision, imo.
3. What are some fun things recently you and this person have done?
Not much... we live in separate states.
4. Would you/have you had children with this person?
I would if we stayed together for a long time from now.
5. Have you traveled anywhere with them?
Not really. I mean, we've driven between Oregon and Washington a few times, but that's not really "travel"
6. What is the last gift they gave you?
Umm... he bought me purple Doc Martens for Xmas.
7. Do the two of you go out often?
Not so much anymore. Since he moved. :/
FIVE - Drugs
1. Did you ever do drugs in your younger years?
I started smoking weed when I was 18. Still do.
2. Which ones?
See above.
3. How long did you do them?
Seriously, look at #1 again.
4. Do you think adults should do drugs?
Depends on the drug, the frequency with which they do them, how responsible they are, etc.
5. Did you ever have a bad experience on drugs?
I had a really yucky high once when I wasn't used to it and smoked more than I could handle with people I wasn't super close with.
6. What would you do if you caught your kids doing drugs?
Depends on how old they were, which drug(s), etc.
7. Do many people you know do drugs?
Quite a few.
SIX - Rock N Roll
1. Have you ever attended any concerts?
2. Has your music taste changed as you’ve gotten older?
Oh yeah. But there's been stuff I've liked the whole time.
3. What era of music did you grow up with? Did you like it?
90's alternative. Yeah, it was fun.
4. Do you and your parents have similar music tastes?
There's a lot of stuff I like that they like, but there's also stuff we like that the other doesn't.
5. What song is stuck in your head?
None at the moment, since I'm listening to music.
6. Do you ever go out dancing?
No. That's not really my scene.
7. Is the music you like ever played on the radio, or is it too old?
A lot of it's too old or obscure, but some of the indie stuff is played sometimes.
SEVEN - Opinions
1. What do you think about tattoos and piercings?
I love them.
2. The school systems?
Need a lot of work... :/
3. Young kids dating?
Eh. As long as they wait to get serious. Hell, I had "boyfriends" in kindergarten.
None at the moment, since I'm listening to music.
6. Do you ever go out dancing?
No. That's not really my scene.
7. Is the music you like ever played on the radio, or is it too old?
A lot of it's too old or obscure, but some of the indie stuff is played sometimes.
SEVEN - Opinions
1. What do you think about tattoos and piercings?
I love them.
2. The school systems?
Need a lot of work... :/
3. Young kids dating?
Eh. As long as they wait to get serious. Hell, I had "boyfriends" in kindergarten.
4. The environment?
I try to recycle and compost and do what I can, but I'm not an activist.
5. Politics?
I'm liberal, but I try to stay out of politics as much as possible, beyond voting.
6. Television and celebrities?
I don't watch TV and I pay almost no attention to celebrities.
7. Smoking cigarettes?
I try to recycle and compost and do what I can, but I'm not an activist.
5. Politics?
I'm liberal, but I try to stay out of politics as much as possible, beyond voting.
6. Television and celebrities?
I don't watch TV and I pay almost no attention to celebrities.
7. Smoking cigarettes?
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