Wednesday, March 19, 2014


List the last 10 people you facebook chatted/messaged with: (Or the 10 friends on  the side of your page if you dont use fb chat.)
  1. Candi (Mom)
  2. Colleen (Stepmom)
  3. Lex
  4. Karina
  5. Christopher
  6. Liron
  7. April
  8. Dylan
  9. Ryan 
  10. Anne (Grama)
Put them in order of how long you’ve known them, starting with who you met first
1, 10, 2, 6, 9, 5, 4, 7, 3 & 8 (same time for those last 2)
How long have you known each person:
  1. Since the day I was born
  2. Hmm... for... 8 years or so?
  3. Honestly, a year now.
  4. 2 years-ish.
  5. 2 and a half years?
  6. Maybe... 4 or 5 years.
  7. A year, maybe?
  8. Same as Lex (#3)
  9. 2 and a half years. <3
  10. Also, since I was born.
Have you ever dated any of them? Who?
- Just Ryan, who I'm still dating. ^^
Ever had a crush on any of them?
- Indeedy. Also Ryan.
Have a crush on any of them right now?
- Still Ryan.
So who on that list have you kissed?
- Well, mom. Grama. If those don't count, Ryan.
Who was the better kisser?
- Ryan is best kisser!
Who on that list has seen you in your underwear?
- Mom, Colleen, Lex, Liron, Dylan, Ryan, Grama
Who have you seen in their underwear?
- Mom, Colleen, Liron, Ryan
When was the last time you saw each person:
  1. A couple weeks ago.
  2. A couple months ago, I suppose.
  3. Umm... not recently. Quite awhile ago.
  4. Been a long time...
  5. A couple weeks ago.
  6. Been far too long, since we live in the same town.
  7. A couple days ago.
  8. Way too long. 
  9. Almost two months. D: (We're long distance right now.)
  10. Oh geez... last time she came to visit. Half a year?
If you had to kill one who would you kill?
- Karina? I dunno, I don't want to kill anyone.
Pick one to marry, snog and avoid.
- Marry - Ryan. Snog - April. Avoid - Karina.
Pick the 4 you would want with you stuck on an island:
- Ryan, April, Dylan, and... mom?
Playing spin the bottle (where you kiss who it lands on), who do you want it to be?
- Ryan.
Describe the looks of each person:
  1. Purty. Short, glasses, shoulder length brown hair.
  2. Looks older (her age), really short hair.
  3. Usually wearing a hat, glasses
  4. Strawberry blond curly long hair, cute smile
  5. Tall (compared to me), short black curly hair, scruffy face.
  6. Long curly blond hair, super purty.
  7. Long brown hair, large boobs (I noticed), glasses
  8. Tall, glasses, actually looks awkward
  9. Is adorable, handsome, and sexy, all at once.
  10. Looks healthy for her age (she's 71!). Chin length salt and pepper hair, glasses, super sweet smile.
What is your favourite thing about each person?
  1. I couldn't have asked for a better mom. I love her. 
  2. She makes my dad happy, and she's a nice woman.
  3. He's nice to talk to.
  4. She's sweet and has seen me in some bad places (mentally) but still likes me.
  5. He's funny and fun to chat with.
  6. She's really fun and I think we should hang out more.
  7. She's my fiance, so what isn't to like? (She jokingly proposed to me at work one day, so we constantly joke about how we're engaged)
  8. He's adorably awkward.
  9. <3 <3 <3 EVERYTHING. <3 <3 <3
  10. She's my Grama! ^^

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