Would you ever kiss someone with facial hair?
Yes. I actually have a thing for beards, so I feel like it would be maaagical. :P
Have you ever drooled in public?
Yes. Yes I have.
Do you agree that Facebook is taking over the entire teenage population?
Umm... what? Yes, teenagers use Facebook constantly. Get over it.
Have you ever met a mainstream band?
Hmm... don't think so, actually.
Have you ever yelled at an electronic as if it could hear you?
Hahaha. My phone and I have had many a one-sided conversation.
Have you ever been bitten by a dog?
Would you ever shave your head?
I've seriously considered it in the past. :P
Have you ever spelt your name in Alphabet Soup?
Don't think so, actually.
What do you think would happen if the Earth suddenly stopped spinning?
We'd all die?
What did you want to be when you were little?
Ha. I was a weird, oddly specific kid. I wanted to be a pediatric trauma surgeon.
Have you ever drawn a picture with sidewalk chalk?
Are there people who haven't?
What is the worst possible way to die?
Freeze to death.
Have you ever burnt yourself with a lighter?
Would you ever meet someone you met online?
I have a couple times. I met my roommate via Craigslist. I also met my bandmate-ish person on Craigslist. :)
What’s your favorite online game?
Probably Minecraft, though WoW is a close second.
What do you think of gay/bisexual people?
There's nothing wrong with them. I personally am pansexual, and proud. :)
Have you ever kissed the TV?
Yeah, when I was a kid that happened sometimes.
Have you ever thrown your cell phone across the room?
Ha. I've been especially careful with this phone, but my last couple definitely got chucked at walls. ^^;;
Have you ever been hit with a ball in gym class?
OMG yes. Once got a bloody nose because of a basketball.
Will you be single over winter?
I doubt it. Though that is nearly a year away.
Yes. I actually have a thing for beards, so I feel like it would be maaagical. :P
Have you ever drooled in public?
Yes. Yes I have.
Do you agree that Facebook is taking over the entire teenage population?
Umm... what? Yes, teenagers use Facebook constantly. Get over it.
Have you ever met a mainstream band?
Hmm... don't think so, actually.
Have you ever yelled at an electronic as if it could hear you?
Hahaha. My phone and I have had many a one-sided conversation.
Have you ever been bitten by a dog?
Would you ever shave your head?
I've seriously considered it in the past. :P
Have you ever spelt your name in Alphabet Soup?
Don't think so, actually.
What do you think would happen if the Earth suddenly stopped spinning?
We'd all die?
What did you want to be when you were little?
Ha. I was a weird, oddly specific kid. I wanted to be a pediatric trauma surgeon.
Have you ever drawn a picture with sidewalk chalk?
Are there people who haven't?
What is the worst possible way to die?
Freeze to death.
Have you ever burnt yourself with a lighter?
Would you ever meet someone you met online?
I have a couple times. I met my roommate via Craigslist. I also met my bandmate-ish person on Craigslist. :)
What’s your favorite online game?
Probably Minecraft, though WoW is a close second.
What do you think of gay/bisexual people?
There's nothing wrong with them. I personally am pansexual, and proud. :)
Have you ever kissed the TV?
Yeah, when I was a kid that happened sometimes.
Have you ever thrown your cell phone across the room?
Ha. I've been especially careful with this phone, but my last couple definitely got chucked at walls. ^^;;
Have you ever been hit with a ball in gym class?
OMG yes. Once got a bloody nose because of a basketball.
Will you be single over winter?
I doubt it. Though that is nearly a year away.
Are you mad at anyone right now?
Not that I can think of. There's somebody I'm definitely just done dealing with, but nobody I'm MAD at...
Not that I can think of. There's somebody I'm definitely just done dealing with, but nobody I'm MAD at...
Where do you wanna live when you grow up?
Anywhere. Probably will just stay in Washington after I move up.
Are you wearing jeans, shorts, sweatpants, or pajama pants?
For some reason, it's 2 am and I'm still in jeans. D:
Would you get married if you could right now?
I don't think so. I love the idea of weddings, and were he to propose I don't think I would be able to say no, but he and I have both agreed that we're too young and I think he will probably propose once I'm done with college if we're still together.
Do you consider yourself spoiled?
No, I'm not.
Do you get annoyed when you see someone you don’t like?
I try my best to smile and be polite, even if I'm fuming inside.
Could you see yourself dropping out of high school?
I didn't drop out of high school, but there was a point where I briefly considered it.
Is there anyone you want to see right now?
Yeah, I can think of quite a few different people.
What were you doing 12 a.m. last night?
Probably watching something on my computer.
Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now?
I have a feeling Ry and I will still be toughing out this long-distance thing.
How was your weekend?
Uneventful. I want it back.
Are you a mean person?
I don't try to be.
What woke you up today?
What is something you disliked about your day?
That I didn't do anything but errands.
Have you kissed anyone whose name started with a T?
Hmm... most likely, yes. I can't think of a specific name, but I have kissed a LOT of people... ^^;;
Did you date anyone last summer?
I was with the same man I'm with now.
Where will you be twelve hours from now?
Starting work tomorrow.
Do you remember the first time you kissed the last person you kissed?
Have you ever slept on a couch with that person?
Have you written a letter to a soldier?
No, I haven't known any.
Ever been in a perfect relationship?
Sometimes I think so... other times I'm not sure.
How do you feel about the person who texted you last?
He's pretty cool.
What are you looking forward to?
I guess this term ending and having an easy summer.
Do you think you are an argumentative person?
I can be, it depends on the situation and who's involved and all that.
How did you feel when you woke up today?
Very tired.
Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
Most of my best friends have been of the opposite sex.
What time did you go to sleep last night?
4:30 am? (Just a guess)
What color are your eyes?
Blue, with some green and gray.
The last song you listened to?
I am listening to music right now. The last song that played was "Of Minor Prophets and Their Prostitute Wives" by Pedro the Lion.
When you shut off your alarm clock, do you tend to fall back asleep?
I have 2 alarms to try to avoid that...
Do you believe change is always good?
It's not always good. But it's not always bad, either.
Where are the majority of your clothes from?
Lots of people and places.
Anywhere. Probably will just stay in Washington after I move up.
Are you wearing jeans, shorts, sweatpants, or pajama pants?
For some reason, it's 2 am and I'm still in jeans. D:
Would you get married if you could right now?
I don't think so. I love the idea of weddings, and were he to propose I don't think I would be able to say no, but he and I have both agreed that we're too young and I think he will probably propose once I'm done with college if we're still together.
Do you consider yourself spoiled?
No, I'm not.
Do you get annoyed when you see someone you don’t like?
I try my best to smile and be polite, even if I'm fuming inside.
Could you see yourself dropping out of high school?
I didn't drop out of high school, but there was a point where I briefly considered it.
Is there anyone you want to see right now?
Yeah, I can think of quite a few different people.
What were you doing 12 a.m. last night?
Probably watching something on my computer.
Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now?
I have a feeling Ry and I will still be toughing out this long-distance thing.
How was your weekend?
Uneventful. I want it back.
Are you a mean person?
I don't try to be.
What woke you up today?
What is something you disliked about your day?
That I didn't do anything but errands.
Have you kissed anyone whose name started with a T?
Hmm... most likely, yes. I can't think of a specific name, but I have kissed a LOT of people... ^^;;
Did you date anyone last summer?
I was with the same man I'm with now.
Where will you be twelve hours from now?
Starting work tomorrow.
Do you remember the first time you kissed the last person you kissed?
Have you ever slept on a couch with that person?
Have you written a letter to a soldier?
No, I haven't known any.
Ever been in a perfect relationship?
Sometimes I think so... other times I'm not sure.
How do you feel about the person who texted you last?
He's pretty cool.
What are you looking forward to?
I guess this term ending and having an easy summer.
Do you think you are an argumentative person?
I can be, it depends on the situation and who's involved and all that.
How did you feel when you woke up today?
Very tired.
Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
Most of my best friends have been of the opposite sex.
What time did you go to sleep last night?
4:30 am? (Just a guess)
What color are your eyes?
Blue, with some green and gray.
The last song you listened to?
I am listening to music right now. The last song that played was "Of Minor Prophets and Their Prostitute Wives" by Pedro the Lion.
When you shut off your alarm clock, do you tend to fall back asleep?
I have 2 alarms to try to avoid that...
Do you believe change is always good?
It's not always good. But it's not always bad, either.
Where are the majority of your clothes from?
Lots of people and places.
How long was your longest relationship in highschool?
A couple weeks shy of 4 years.
Do you know who Philip DeFranco is?
Nuh uh.
What’s the biggest age difference you’ve ever had in a relationship?
My current boyfriend and I are 2 years and 3 months apart.
Did you hear about that guy who glued a kitty to a highway?!
Sounds fake and terrible.
Does your cell phone have different vibrate intensities?
Not different intensities, but it does have different vibration patterns.
A couple weeks shy of 4 years.
Do you know who Philip DeFranco is?
Nuh uh.
What’s the biggest age difference you’ve ever had in a relationship?
My current boyfriend and I are 2 years and 3 months apart.
Did you hear about that guy who glued a kitty to a highway?!
Sounds fake and terrible.
Does your cell phone have different vibrate intensities?
Not different intensities, but it does have different vibration patterns.
What’s the most illegal thing you’ve EVER done?
Pirating, smoking weed, underage drinking...?
Where did/do you want to get married?
Somewhere small and secluded.
What’s the highest level of education you’ve reached?
I'm almost done with my third year of college.
Is your last name extremely common, like Gonzalez?
Eh, it's pretty common, but not as common as some.
Ever notice how most flags are red white and blue?
Not most. There are a good number, but there are also MANY that aren't.
Have you ever had a crush on a family member?
I thought my cousin was cute when I was younger, but it wasn't a full-blown crush.
How old is your YOUNGEST friend?
Hmm... I have no idea.
Pirating, smoking weed, underage drinking...?
Where did/do you want to get married?
Somewhere small and secluded.
What’s the highest level of education you’ve reached?
I'm almost done with my third year of college.
Is your last name extremely common, like Gonzalez?
Eh, it's pretty common, but not as common as some.
Ever notice how most flags are red white and blue?
Not most. There are a good number, but there are also MANY that aren't.
Have you ever had a crush on a family member?
I thought my cousin was cute when I was younger, but it wasn't a full-blown crush.
How old is your YOUNGEST friend?
Hmm... I have no idea.
How old is your OLDEST friend?
I'm not sure anymore.
How long should people be together before they propose?
There's a lot that factors into that, especially who these people are. You can't generalize with something like this.
Have you had your first touch screen phone yet?
I'm on my third... they're not exactly new and innovative anymore.
Don’t you hate when parents divorce but then still argue regularly?
Most people's parents do that. My divorced parents are friends, and friends with each others' new spouse. So all 4 of my parents (that includes stepparents) get along really well.
Would you ever join the military?
No, and I don't think I'm fit enough anyways.
When did you first see snow?
Not a clue. When I was young enough that I don't remember.
If you could have any dog, what dog would you have?
Would you ever kill a bunny and make soup out of it?
If I had to because I was starving, sure.
Do any of your friends own a ferret?
No, but I have friends who have owned them.
Do you believe that Christians are better than non-Christians?
Not a lick.
Do boys really rock pink more than girls do?
What is this question even.
Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?
I have a few pairs that I don't really wear anymore.
What’s your view on the Islam culture?
Do I need to have a "view"? People believe what they believe.
Do you know what, “C’est la vie” means?
Literally "It's the life," so it's kinda of the equivalent of "That's life," or "Shit happens."
Do balloons make you have a better birthday?
I'm not sure. They could. :P
Krispy kreme donuts aren’t as good as Dunkin Donuts, are they?
I've never had Dunkin Donuts, but Krispy Kremes are DAMN GOOD.
What is your favorite song from, “Aventura?”
From what?
If you could legally assassinate any celebrity, who would it be?
I'm not assassinating anyone. That's ridiculous.
Do you use Twitter or Formspring?
I have a Twitter that I never use, and I always wanted a Formspring but knew my mom would see it and I didn't want her to see some of the answers.
Why did you last cry?
Just felt lonely and missed Ry.
If you had to lose 5 lbs, how would you do it?
Eat better (both healthier and portion control), and exercise regularly.
Is there anyone who seems to think that you are a pillow?
All my UU friends and I consider each other pillows. :P
Tell me about your BEST New Year’s Eve ever.
Umm... I don't have one.
If you HAD to change your name, what would you change it to?
I dun wanna.
Do you need love in your life?
It feels like I do.
Lunapic editor is amazing, no?
A whatawhat now?
How do YOU write, “Okay?”
Usually as "okay" or "'kay"
I'm not sure anymore.
How long should people be together before they propose?
There's a lot that factors into that, especially who these people are. You can't generalize with something like this.
Have you had your first touch screen phone yet?
I'm on my third... they're not exactly new and innovative anymore.
Don’t you hate when parents divorce but then still argue regularly?
Most people's parents do that. My divorced parents are friends, and friends with each others' new spouse. So all 4 of my parents (that includes stepparents) get along really well.
Would you ever join the military?
No, and I don't think I'm fit enough anyways.
When did you first see snow?
Not a clue. When I was young enough that I don't remember.
If you could have any dog, what dog would you have?
Would you ever kill a bunny and make soup out of it?
If I had to because I was starving, sure.
Do any of your friends own a ferret?
No, but I have friends who have owned them.
Do you believe that Christians are better than non-Christians?
Not a lick.
Do boys really rock pink more than girls do?
What is this question even.
Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?
I have a few pairs that I don't really wear anymore.
What’s your view on the Islam culture?
Do I need to have a "view"? People believe what they believe.
Do you know what, “C’est la vie” means?
Literally "It's the life," so it's kinda of the equivalent of "That's life," or "Shit happens."
Do balloons make you have a better birthday?
I'm not sure. They could. :P
Krispy kreme donuts aren’t as good as Dunkin Donuts, are they?
I've never had Dunkin Donuts, but Krispy Kremes are DAMN GOOD.
What is your favorite song from, “Aventura?”
From what?
If you could legally assassinate any celebrity, who would it be?
I'm not assassinating anyone. That's ridiculous.
Do you use Twitter or Formspring?
I have a Twitter that I never use, and I always wanted a Formspring but knew my mom would see it and I didn't want her to see some of the answers.
Why did you last cry?
Just felt lonely and missed Ry.
If you had to lose 5 lbs, how would you do it?
Eat better (both healthier and portion control), and exercise regularly.
Is there anyone who seems to think that you are a pillow?
All my UU friends and I consider each other pillows. :P
Tell me about your BEST New Year’s Eve ever.
Umm... I don't have one.
If you HAD to change your name, what would you change it to?
I dun wanna.
Do you need love in your life?
It feels like I do.
Lunapic editor is amazing, no?
A whatawhat now?
How do YOU write, “Okay?”
Usually as "okay" or "'kay"
How old was the last person who kissed you?
Umm... I actually am not entirely sure of his age. I'd guess mid-20s.
Do you have any plans for the day after tomorrow?
Monday? I might be going to see The Amazing Spiderman 2 with my roommate and his brother.
Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
Yeah, my mom and I are real close. <3
What time did you wake up today?
What were you doing two nights ago?
Thursday? Probably crying because I wanted to sleep. (Exaggeration, probably not actually crying.)
Name something you can’t wait to do:
No idea.
Umm... I actually am not entirely sure of his age. I'd guess mid-20s.
Do you have any plans for the day after tomorrow?
Monday? I might be going to see The Amazing Spiderman 2 with my roommate and his brother.
Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
Yeah, my mom and I are real close. <3
What time did you wake up today?
What were you doing two nights ago?
Thursday? Probably crying because I wanted to sleep. (Exaggeration, probably not actually crying.)
Name something you can’t wait to do:
No idea.
Last person that sent you a text message?
My neighbor (and friend), Steve
Did you reply? Why?
No, because he came over.
What were you doing at midnight last night?
Watching something on my computer.
If you had to choose, would you rather be an alcoholic or a pothead?
Pothead. I already kinda am one.
What has pissed you off today, if anything at all?
I can't think of anything.
Can you honestly say that at this point and time you’re happy with the way life is going?
I'm content. I'm not overjoyed or anything, but it's all good.
Can you easily tell if someone’s fake?
I can usually tell.
Is there someone you don’t ever want to be out your life?
Of course.
Did you kiss or hug anyone in the last 48 hours?
Umm... I've probably hugged someone... probably.
Does someone like you right now?
I don't know. I kinda hope so... but I also hope not.
Looking back in time did you ever waste your time on a certain boy or girl?
Not waste... it is/was what it is/was.
Has anyone ever sang to you?
I'm sure they have.
Can a boy and girl be friends without having feelings for each other?
Yeah they can, but it can be difficult, too.
Coffee or alcohol?
Mmm... coffee. (Can I have both?)
Is there one person in your life that can always make you happy?
Usually. I wouldn't say always.
Have you ever kissed anyone whose name started with C or J?
Probably both of those. I have kissed many people.
Do you ever cry during movies?
A select few movies. I get teared up a lot, but it's hard for me to actually cry.
Do you have any piercings?
Have you ever found someone you really like?
Do you ever get good morning texts from anyone?
Yeah, I do. ^o^
Did you go outside for more than 30 minutes today?
Do you remember who you liked three months ago?
Same man.
Have you ever lived with your boyfriend/girlfriend?
Yeah, we lived together for a year and a half before he graduated and moved back to where he's from.
Could you go out in public looking like you do now?
Yeah, I look fine.
Did the last person you kissed have a tattoo?
He has a lot.
My neighbor (and friend), Steve
Did you reply? Why?
No, because he came over.
What were you doing at midnight last night?
Watching something on my computer.
If you had to choose, would you rather be an alcoholic or a pothead?
Pothead. I already kinda am one.
What has pissed you off today, if anything at all?
I can't think of anything.
Can you honestly say that at this point and time you’re happy with the way life is going?
I'm content. I'm not overjoyed or anything, but it's all good.
Can you easily tell if someone’s fake?
I can usually tell.
Is there someone you don’t ever want to be out your life?
Of course.
Did you kiss or hug anyone in the last 48 hours?
Umm... I've probably hugged someone... probably.
Does someone like you right now?
I don't know. I kinda hope so... but I also hope not.
Looking back in time did you ever waste your time on a certain boy or girl?
Not waste... it is/was what it is/was.
Has anyone ever sang to you?
I'm sure they have.
Can a boy and girl be friends without having feelings for each other?
Yeah they can, but it can be difficult, too.
Coffee or alcohol?
Mmm... coffee. (Can I have both?)
Is there one person in your life that can always make you happy?
Usually. I wouldn't say always.
Have you ever kissed anyone whose name started with C or J?
Probably both of those. I have kissed many people.
Do you ever cry during movies?
A select few movies. I get teared up a lot, but it's hard for me to actually cry.
Do you have any piercings?
Have you ever found someone you really like?
Do you ever get good morning texts from anyone?
Yeah, I do. ^o^
Did you go outside for more than 30 minutes today?
Do you remember who you liked three months ago?
Same man.
Have you ever lived with your boyfriend/girlfriend?
Yeah, we lived together for a year and a half before he graduated and moved back to where he's from.
Could you go out in public looking like you do now?
Yeah, I look fine.
Did the last person you kissed have a tattoo?
He has a lot.
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