Random things I enjoy.
That feeling you get when you finish a really good book.
The sound of my favourite song coming on the radio.
Waking up to a really nice day of sunshine.
Going to bed and getting to sleep straight away.
Seeing my favourite animal at the zoo.
Getting unexpected text messages from someone.
Making footprints in fresh snow.
The smell of freshly cut grass.
Not having to queue to get coffee in Starbucks.
When random strangers open the door for me.
Getting smiled at in the street.
Being told I’m attractive by a complete stranger.
Getting things for less money than I thought.
Getting proper letters in the mail.
Waking up just before my alarm.
Unexpectedly having a really good day.
Turning on the TV just as my favourite show is starting.
Making daisy chains in the summer.
The smell of new books.
Wandering around music stores by myself for hours.
Having a day to myself to do whatever I like with.
Discovering old things I haven’t seen in years unexpectedly.
Re-discovering old bands.
Re-reading old books from my childhood.
When my iPod battery lasts longer than it probably should.
Not having to queue at airport security.
Friendly cashiers in the supermarket.
Having the correct change for something.
Waking up after a night out and not feeling tired or hungover.
Finally recovering from a stomach bug and being able to eat again.
Seeing that my favourite band is touring or has a new album out.
Defeating levels on Angry Birds.
Staying up ridiculously late and not feeling tired the next day.
Getting new messages on my Tumblr.
Getting replies from celebrities on my Twitter.
Reading PostSecret every Sunday evening.
When people agree with my survey answers.
Getting my period but not having cramps or bad PMS.
When my mum randomly brings me home chocolate from the store.
Being hugged from behind.
Kisses on the forehead.
Getting unexpected compliments.
Cuddling up to my favourite teddy bear when I’m tired.
Sucking my thumb when I’m sick and need comforting.
Finding out that a restaurant has my favourite dessert.
Being taken out for lunch.
Going to the beach and smelling the ocean.
Actually winning something in those little arcade machines.
Unexpectedly beating someone at something.
Waking up and feeling refreshed.
Spending the day in the sun without getting burnt.
Getting to meet the band after a concert.
Actually having money to spend on a shopping trip.
Movies that have unexpectedly good endings.
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