Sunday, December 4, 2016


PAUSE [currently]
1. What style is your hair in?:  Just down, nothing special
2. What are you wearing?:  Dark blue jeans, grey & white tank top with a big smiley face on it, pink and grey flannel.
3. What’s the weather like outside?:  Dark and drizzly
4. What time is it?: 5:45am
5. What day of the week is it?: Sunday
6. What are you sitting on?:  Umm... a chair?
7. Who, if anyone, is in the room with you?: 2 security guards  
8. What’s on your mind?: Holy shit, I'm going to be at work for over 11 more hours...
9. What makeup, if any, are you wearing?: Nothin'
10. What month is it?: Christmas! (or, December...)
11. What career do you want? Children's librarian
12. What age do you think you’ll get married at?:  24 or 25?
13. What about have kids?:  27-29?
14. What age do you plan on moving out?: I moved out when I was 18.
15. Can you see yourself moving away from here? To where?:  I grew up in Corvallis, but I've lived in Eugene for the past 5 years and love it here. So though I could potentially see myself moving away, I don't know that I'd want to.
16. Do you think you’ll marry your current significant other?:  Probably.
17. Do you know what the weather is supposed to be like for the rest of the week?:  Most likely rain.
18. What tattoos/piercings do you want in the future?: I want to expand my one current tattoo into a huge piece covering the top half of my back (it's E.H. Shepard Winnie-the-Pooh themed), my mom and I are getting matching elephant tattoos someday, I want an Edward Gorey thigh sleeve, and I have many other ideas. I also want to get my nose and lip piercings redone.
19. Do you want any cosmetic surgery sometime down the line, if you had money for it?:  No, not my thing.
20. In 10 years, how old will you be and where do you see yourself?:  33 and hopefully married to Joe with one child.
REWIND [past]
21. Last time you took a shower?:  Like, a day ago, I think?
22. Last text message you sent?:  I don't really text much.
23. What did you do yesterday?: A whole lot of just chilling.
24. How old were you when you first started dating?: Hah. 5.
25. Last time you saw your best friend?: Well, I saw one of them about a month ago and the other in July. :(
26. What was your first word?: Doggy
27. What’s your earliest memory?:  Seeing a bunny next to a gravestone while taking a walk with my dad. (I was 3)
28. Do you remember what you were doing twelve hours ago?:  Relaxing.
29. Three years ago, did you dress the same way you do now?:  More or less. More graphic tees and less plain-colored shirts, but I own much of the same clothing.
30. How old were you when your first younger sibling was born (assuming you’re not the youngest or an only child)?: Well, I AM an only child, so...
EJECT [crappy stuff you wish didn’t happen]
31. Your first serious breakup… how did it go?:  Eww.
32. Ever had an eating disorder?:  Nope.
33. Ever cut yourself?:  Yyyyup.
34. Ever thought about or attempted suicide?:  Sure.
35. What was the most depressing point in your life so far?: Umm... November 2014.
36. Last thing you cried about?:  Fuck if I know.
37. What’s one thing that’s stressing you out like crazy right now?: That I'll be at work for 11 more hours.
38. Ever had a horrible teacher/boss? Tell us about them.:  I dunno. Probs had some horrible teacher at some point, but can't think of specifically who right now. 
39. The first time you dumped someone, was it hard?: I was 14 and wrote him a note which was just wrong of me.
40. Do you regret who you lost your virginity to?:  No. I regret a lot of things about everything that happened between us, but I also am happy about much of it. 
RECORD [awesome stuff that deserves to be recorded on video forevaaaa]
41. Last time you laughed really hard? What was it about?: Probably something with Joe like, yesterday.
42. Last funny movie you saw?: I honestly couldn't say.
43. What’s one of you and your best friend’s weirdest but funniest inside jokes?: Well... with one of my better friends, there's always dirty camels.
44. Last time you ate something really delicious, what was it?: Umm... the bomb-ass breakfast my boyfriend made me this morning. Potatoes, onions, and bell peppers with cheeeese. YUM.
45. Last time you got your paycheck, how much was it? Were you satisfied with it?:  It was ~$640, which is great for only 8 days of work. 
46. How, exactly, did you and your best friend meet?:  Which one? I have 2. One was in high school, one was at one of my jobs in college.
47. What was the last compliment you received?: Couldn't say.
49. The last time you got a really good bargain, what was it on?: Hmm... no clue. :/
50. What’s one thing you wish you could re-live, just for one day?: Nothing.
PLAY [from this moment on]
51. Now that you’re done, what will you do?:  Keep jumping around on the interwebs.
52. What’s on your agenda for today?: Be at work ALL DAY
53. What’s your next meal going to be?: I dunno, but it can't come soon enough.
54. Will you change your clothes later in the day?:  Not until I'm home and I change to comfy clothes/pajamas.
55. Who do you plan on seeing today?:  All of the people I work with, Joe.
56. Are you going to take another survey afterwards?:  Eh, probs.
57. Is the weather supposed to stay this way all day, or will it change?:  All day I think.
58. Do you have any chores you need to do?:  No, but I have work I need to do!
59. Do you have work later in the day?: I'm at work right now.
60. What about any homework to do?: I am not a student, and therefore have no homework.

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