Has anyone ever sang outside your window to get your attention?:
Not that I can think of... but I have had people throw rocks at my window.
What’s the nicest thing someone has done for you this week?:
My boss told me not to come into work today (technically yesterday) because of some medical issues, and I didn't ask for any days off.
What’s one thing you won’t forget about this summer?:
Hmm... I'm not sure. Probably after sUUrounded, it will have been deaning my first UU (Unitarian Universalist) YA (Young Adult) event!
Are you worried about anything right now?:
I don't think so..
Is there a song you can’t stand listening to? If so, what is it?:
I'm sure there are many.
What’s the last website you visited?:
Umm... blogger. :P
What’s one clothing brand you will never wear?:
After hearing about what a douchebag the CEO is, I will not support Abercrombie or Hollister by giving them my money anymore.
Do you look more like your mom or dad?:
Used to be my dad, but now that I'm older, definitely my mom.
What types of guys/girls will you never date?:
I don't really label people by grouping them into "types" I prefer to make my decisions about people individually.
Is there someone you are currently envious of? If so, why?:
Not anybody I can think about, really.
Do you burp loudly at the dinner table?:
Only at the dinner table in my apartment which is just Ryan (my boyfriend) and I on the couch.
Do you use your manners or do you not care?:
At home with Ryan, I don't care. At restaurants, I do my best.
What is something your parents always nag at you about?:
They don't. I don't live with them and they have nothing to nag me about.
What kind of laptop are you using and would you recommend it to others?:
A Dell Inspiron N5110. It's okay, just don't drop it. (Learned that the hard way.)
Lastly.. does your ass hurt right now from sitting too long?
I do not believe so.
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