Sunday, December 4, 2016


Would you ever kiss someone with facial hair?
My boyfriend always has a wonderful beard. I love beards. :D

Have you ever drooled in public?
I've drooled on myself while laughing... in public, so...

Do you agree that facebook is taking over the entire teenage population?
I mean, everyone is on Facebook, not just teenagers.

Have you ever met a mainstream band?
Hmm... I don't think I have, no. 

Have you ever yelled at an electronic as if it could hear you?
I have yelled at/talked to many an inanimate object, electronic or not.

Have you ever been bitten by a dog?

Would you ever shave your head?
Haha. Almost did, or at least pretty heavily considered it during the end of high school, but I wouldn't now. Having short hair was traumatic enough for me. 

Have you ever spelt your name in Alphabet Soup?
I don't think I've ever even eaten Alphabet Soup.

What do you think would happen if the Earth suddenly stopped spinning?
Well, as I have no cosmic/astronomical knowledge, I have no idea. Go ask an astrophysicist.

What did you want to be when you were little?
A lot of things. Children are full of curiosity and wonder.

Have you ever drawn a picture with sidewalk chalk?
Umm... has anyone not?

What is the worst possible way to die?
Slowly and painfully. 

Have you ever burnt yourself with a lighter?
Not that I can recall.

Would you ever meet someone you met online?
Very unlikely.

What’s your favorite online game?
Like, console, or in the browser, or Steam, or...?

What do you think of gay/bisexual people?
I feel no differently about them than anyone else. Also, I'm openly pansexual, so... 

Have you ever kissed the TV?
Hahaha. Pretty sure I did a couple times when I was a kid, yeah.

Have you ever thrown your cell phone across the room?
Ooooh yes. I had one cell in particular that I just started using for anger management after awhile.

Have you ever been hit with a ball in gym class?
I mean, of course.

Will you be single over winter?

Are you mad at anyone right now?

Where do you wanna live when you grow up?
I love Eugene. I also might be considered "grown up," depending on what age that starts.

Are you wearing jeans, shorts, sweatpants, or pajama pants?

Would you get married if you could right now?
Probably not this second.

Do you consider yourself spoiled?
Not at all.

Do you get annoyed when you see someone you don’t like?
I mean, sounds like the natural reaction to that.

Could you see yourself dropping out of high school?
I finished high school.

Is there anyone you want to see right now?
Miss my sweetheart. <3

What were you doing 12 a.m. last night?
Chilling, waiting for when I needed to go to work (I started work at 3am last night).

Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now?
Most likely.

How was your weekend?
It went by too quickly.

Are you a mean person?
I try not to be.

What woke you up today?
I never went to sleep. :o

What is something you disliked about your day?
The fact that I have been awake for ~20 hours, and by the time I am off work, it will have been 26.

Have you kissed anyone whose name started with a T?

Did you date anyone last summer?
Same person I'm dating now.

Where will you be twelve hours from now?
Probably in bed. (Or I certainly hope so).

Do you remember the first time you kissed the last person you kissed?
Yeah. ^/////^

Have you ever slept on a couch with that person?
Hmm... maybe not a couch.

Have you written a letter to a soldier?
Not that I can recall. I don't really know any soldiers.

Ever been in a perfect relationship?
I'm in one. :3

How do you feel about the person who texted you last?
She's the best mother I could have asked for. 

What are you looking forward to?
Being off work. (5 more hours.)

Do you think you are an argumentative person?
I can be, but not always.

How did you feel when you woke up today?
The last time I woke up was yesterday.

Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
One of my best friends IS of the opposite sex.

What time did you go to sleep last night?
I didn't.

What color are your eyes?

The last song you listened to?
Umm... Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies? (Pandora Christmas Radio)

When you shut off your alarm clock, do you tend to fall back asleep?
No, that's why I set an alarm. Used to always fall back asleep, though.

Do you believe change is always good?
Not always. Really depends on the change(s).

Where are the majority of your clothes from?
Target, probs.
How long was your longest relationship in high school?
All 4 years of HS

Do you know who Philip DeFranco is?
A Youtuber?

What’s the biggest age difference you’ve ever had in a relationship?
Like, 7 or 8 years older?

Did you hear about that guy who glued a kitty to a highway?!
Umm... That sounds made up. 

Does your cell phone have different vibrate intensities?
Yeah, different intensities and patterns. Kinda silly, really. 

What’s the most illegal thing you’ve EVER done?
Pirating, weed (before it was legal here), LSD, sex in a park? I dunno. Guess I've done quite a few illegal things.

Where did/do you want to get married?
I dunno. Somewhere cheap and pretty!

What’s the highest level of education you’ve reached?
I have a B.A. in English Literature.

Is your last name extremely common, like Gonzalez?
Fisher is very common.

Ever notice how most flags are red white and blue?
Not most. There are so many flags out there. I mean, yes, there are quite a few, but not MOST.

Have you ever had a crush on a family member?
Umm... eww.

How old is your YOUNGEST friend?
20, I think?

How old is your OLDEST friend?
Probs 30s.

How long should people be together before they propose?
That's up to the people themselves.

Have you had your first touch screen phone yet?
Yet another outdated survey... I'm on like, my 5th touch screen phone. XD

Don’t you hate when parents divorce but then still argue regularly?
You know, I've never experienced that. My parents are both divorced and have both remarried, and they're all friends. A couple of years ago, I had Thanksgiving with all 4 of my parents and it wasn't weird or awkward or anything. So... yeah, never experienced that.

Would you ever join the military?

When did you first see snow?
Probably when I was a baby.

If you could have any dog, what dog would you have?
A Shiba Inu!!!

Would you ever kill a bunny and make soup out of it?
Uh, no thanks.

Do any of your friends own a ferret?
Nope, but they're pretty awesome.

Do you believe that Christians are better than non-Christians?
Not even a little.

Do boys really rock pink more than girls do?
Color and gender should stay separate. Pink =/= girls, blue =/= boys, stop with the color-coded gendering.

Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?
I do, but I really only wear bootcut jeans.

What’s your view on the Islam culture?
Not my thing, but don't tell me I'm wrong and it's fine to practice what you believe.

Do you know what, “C'est la vie” means?
Literally "It's the life." It's the French equivalent of "That's life," or a nicer way of saying "Shit happens."

Do balloons make you have a better birthday?
I mean, balloons definitely enhance birthdays, for sure. :P

Krispy kreme donuts aren’t as good as Dunkin Donuts, are they?
Umm... Krispy Kremes are BETTER.

What is your favorite song from, “Aventura?”
From what now?

If you could legally assassinate any celebrity, who would it be?
I see no reason to assassinate any celebrities. Unless a certain orange man who recently got put in a stupidly authoritative position counts.

Do you use Twitter or Formspring?

Why did you last cry?
No clue.

If you had to lose 5 lbs, how would you do it?
Eating better.

Is there anyone who seems to think that you are a pillow?
I mean, sometimes my boyfriend uses me as one.

Tell me about your BEST New Year’s Eve ever.
No clue. Never had a particularly special New Year's.

If you HAD to change your name, what would you change it to?
I dun wanna.

Do you need love in your life?
In some form, yeah.

Lunapic editor is amazing, no?
Never used it.

How do YOU write, “Okay?”
Usually like that: okay.
How old was the last person who kissed you?

Do you have any plans for the day after tomorrow?

Do you have a good relationship with your parents?

What time did you wake up today?
Well... I woke up yesterday at 3 pm.

What were you doing two nights ago?
My concept of time is really warped right now due to how wonky my work schedule has been for last week and this week, so I can't even really properly think about when that would have been.

Name something you can’t wait to do:
Go hooooome.

Last person that sent you a text message?
My mom.

Did you reply? Why?
Nah, didn't really want to.

What were you doing at midnight last night?
Waiting for 3 to roll around, since that's when I started work.

If you had to choose, would you rather be an alcoholic or a pothead?
Well, I'm already a pothead.

What has pissed you off today, if anything at all?
Not much.

Can you honestly say that at this point and time you’re happy with the way life is going?
Life is pretty great right now.

Can you easily tell if someone’s fake?
People usually act fake when they are fake.

Is there someone you don’t ever want to be out your life?
Of course.

Did you kiss or hug anyone in the last 48 hours?
Yes to both.

Does someone like you right now?
Yeah. He also loves me.

Looking back in time did you ever waste your time on a certain boy or girl?

Has anyone ever sang to you?

Can a boy and girl be friends without having feelings for each other?

Coffee or alcohol?
Umm... have you ever heard of an Irish coffee? XD

Is there one person in your life that can always make you happy?
Not always, but he does a much better job than anyone else sometimes.

Have you ever kissed anyone whose name started with C or J?
Well, considering my boyfriend's name starts with J...

Do you ever cry during movies?
Oh yes. I am a sap.

Do you have any piercings?
Yes, but I need to get two of them redone.

Have you ever found someone you really like?
Yeah. <3

Do you ever get good morning texts from anyone?

Did you go outside for more than 30 minutes today?
Actually, no.

Do you remember who you liked three months ago?
Same person that likes me now.

Have you ever lived with your boyfriend/girlfriend?
I currently live with my boyfriend.

Could you go out in public looking like you do now?
Considering I'm at work, yeah.

Did the last person you kissed have a tattoo?
No, but he wants at least 2.

#36 (I'm bound to post a repeat eventually)

1. The phone rings; who do you want it to be? Nobody, I'm not a fan of phone calls.
2. When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart? Yeah, it's the right thing to do. Unless I'm at Safeway, because there is a large space in their parking lot that has no cart return anywhere near, and I am not walking a fucking half-mile to return my cart. 
3. In a social setting, are you more of a talker or a listener? Depends. If the company is people I know and am comfortable around, then I'm a talker. If they're people I don't know well, or I feel uncomfortable, I'm a listener.
4. Do you take compliments well? Depends on who they're coming from.
5. Do you play Sudoku? Sometimes.
6. If abandoned alone in the wilderness, would you survive? For a short while, maybe.
7. Do you like to ride horses? Yes.
8. Did you ever go to camp as a kid? Yeah, for 3 or 4 years.
9. What was your favorite game as a kid? Oh jesus. As a kid? Maybe Crash Bandicoot, on the original Playstation. 
10. If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was married, would you go for it? No, I don't want to be that person.
11. Have you lied to get out of a date? I have never gotten into a situation where such a thing was necessary.
12. Could you date someone with different religious beliefs than you? Mayyyyybe, really depends. 
13. Do you like to pursue or be pursued? Be pursued, probs.
14. Use three words to describe yourself? Unique, awkward, sarcastic.
15. Do any songs make you cry? Yeah, especially if I'm hormonal.
16. Are you continuing your education? I finished college.
17. Do you know how to shoot a gun? Ha, no, not really. 
18. If your house was on fire, what would be the first thing you grabbed? My boyfriend. XD
19. How often do you read books? As often as I think to.
20. Do you think more about the past, present or future? Present these days. I used to have a hard time with that and was constantly fixating on the past or future.
21. What is your favorite children’s book? The Stinky Cheese Man, Where the Wild Things Are, Ira Sleeps Over... I have a ton, and I still own my copies of all of them.
22. What color are your eyes? Blue
23. How tall are you? 5' 5"
24. Where is your dream house located? In a nice neighborhood.
25. Do you have a secret fetish? I mean, I'm into BDSM and bondage, but that's not really much of a secret to the people that matter.
26. Have you tried sushi? It's one of my favorite foods. :D
27. Have you ever taken pictures in a photo booth? Only a handful of times.
28. When was the last time you were at Olive Garden? A few years ago. Not a fan.
29. When was the last time you were at Church? No clue.
30. Where was the furthest place you traveled today? Umm... work, where I currently preside.
31. What was your favorite job? This one (Library Technician II)
32. Do you like mustard? Yessssss, way better than ketchup.
33. Do you prefer to sleep or eat? Hmm... hard to say.
34. Do you look like your mom or dad? Mom, though I have my dad's smile.
35. How long does it take you in the shower? Depending on time constraints, how dirty I am, whether I have music, etc., it can take anywhere from 10-40 minutes.
36. Can you do the splits? Nope.
37. What movie do you want to see right now? I never even know what's playing because my boyfriend doesn't like movies.
38. If you could fast forward your life, would you? Nah. Every moment is worth it. :)
39. What did you do for New Year’s? It hasn't happened yet. :P
40. Do you think The Grudge was scary? Not especially. The Japanese one, "Ju-on" was scarier, iirc.
41. Could you relate to a character in Mean Girls? Nah.
42. Do you own a camera phone? Pretty sure all phones are camera phones these days.
43. Do you have an “ex box” with pics and letters from past lovers? No, but that doesn't mean I haven't kept stuff they've given me.
44. Was your mom a cheerleader? Hell no.
45. What’s the last letter of your middle name? n
46. Do you like your middle name? It's alright.
47. How many hours of sleep do you get a night? 6-10, depending on many factors.
48. Do you like care bears? Eh, not a fan.
49. What do you buy at the movies? POPCORRRRRRN
50. Do you know how to play poker? Kinda, but I don't really like it. I prefer blackjack.
51. Do you wear your seatbelt? Always.
52. What do you wear to sleep? PJ pants and a tee or tank.
53. Anything big ever happen in your hometown? Nah.
54. How many meals do you eat a day? It varies.
55. Is your tongue pierced? Nope.
56. Ever meet anyone you met online? Nah.
58. Do you like funny or serious people better? Serious people are lame.
59. Ever been to L.A.? No, actually.
60. Did you eat a cookie today? No. Haven't had one in a long time, actually.
61. Do you use cuss words in other languages? Not really, though I went through a phrase where I said "schiesse" pretty regularly.
62. Do you steal or pay for your music downloads? I am a pirate!
63. Do you hate chocolate? No. It's pretty great.
64. What do you and your parents fight about the most? Hmm... not sure. My life choices in general? :P
65. Are you a gullible person? I can be, but I know people MUCH worse than me.
66. Do you need a boyfriend/girlfriend to be happy? Maybe. I haven't been without in a long time.
67. If you could have any job what would it be? Children's librarian.
68. Are you easy to get along with? Yeah, but I'm a little weird, so I "take some getting used to" (was actually told this by a friend)
69. What is your favorite time of day? Twilight.


PAUSE [currently]
1. What style is your hair in?:  Just down, nothing special
2. What are you wearing?:  Dark blue jeans, grey & white tank top with a big smiley face on it, pink and grey flannel.
3. What’s the weather like outside?:  Dark and drizzly
4. What time is it?: 5:45am
5. What day of the week is it?: Sunday
6. What are you sitting on?:  Umm... a chair?
7. Who, if anyone, is in the room with you?: 2 security guards  
8. What’s on your mind?: Holy shit, I'm going to be at work for over 11 more hours...
9. What makeup, if any, are you wearing?: Nothin'
10. What month is it?: Christmas! (or, December...)
11. What career do you want? Children's librarian
12. What age do you think you’ll get married at?:  24 or 25?
13. What about have kids?:  27-29?
14. What age do you plan on moving out?: I moved out when I was 18.
15. Can you see yourself moving away from here? To where?:  I grew up in Corvallis, but I've lived in Eugene for the past 5 years and love it here. So though I could potentially see myself moving away, I don't know that I'd want to.
16. Do you think you’ll marry your current significant other?:  Probably.
17. Do you know what the weather is supposed to be like for the rest of the week?:  Most likely rain.
18. What tattoos/piercings do you want in the future?: I want to expand my one current tattoo into a huge piece covering the top half of my back (it's E.H. Shepard Winnie-the-Pooh themed), my mom and I are getting matching elephant tattoos someday, I want an Edward Gorey thigh sleeve, and I have many other ideas. I also want to get my nose and lip piercings redone.
19. Do you want any cosmetic surgery sometime down the line, if you had money for it?:  No, not my thing.
20. In 10 years, how old will you be and where do you see yourself?:  33 and hopefully married to Joe with one child.
REWIND [past]
21. Last time you took a shower?:  Like, a day ago, I think?
22. Last text message you sent?:  I don't really text much.
23. What did you do yesterday?: A whole lot of just chilling.
24. How old were you when you first started dating?: Hah. 5.
25. Last time you saw your best friend?: Well, I saw one of them about a month ago and the other in July. :(
26. What was your first word?: Doggy
27. What’s your earliest memory?:  Seeing a bunny next to a gravestone while taking a walk with my dad. (I was 3)
28. Do you remember what you were doing twelve hours ago?:  Relaxing.
29. Three years ago, did you dress the same way you do now?:  More or less. More graphic tees and less plain-colored shirts, but I own much of the same clothing.
30. How old were you when your first younger sibling was born (assuming you’re not the youngest or an only child)?: Well, I AM an only child, so...
EJECT [crappy stuff you wish didn’t happen]
31. Your first serious breakup… how did it go?:  Eww.
32. Ever had an eating disorder?:  Nope.
33. Ever cut yourself?:  Yyyyup.
34. Ever thought about or attempted suicide?:  Sure.
35. What was the most depressing point in your life so far?: Umm... November 2014.
36. Last thing you cried about?:  Fuck if I know.
37. What’s one thing that’s stressing you out like crazy right now?: That I'll be at work for 11 more hours.
38. Ever had a horrible teacher/boss? Tell us about them.:  I dunno. Probs had some horrible teacher at some point, but can't think of specifically who right now. 
39. The first time you dumped someone, was it hard?: I was 14 and wrote him a note which was just wrong of me.
40. Do you regret who you lost your virginity to?:  No. I regret a lot of things about everything that happened between us, but I also am happy about much of it. 
RECORD [awesome stuff that deserves to be recorded on video forevaaaa]
41. Last time you laughed really hard? What was it about?: Probably something with Joe like, yesterday.
42. Last funny movie you saw?: I honestly couldn't say.
43. What’s one of you and your best friend’s weirdest but funniest inside jokes?: Well... with one of my better friends, there's always dirty camels.
44. Last time you ate something really delicious, what was it?: Umm... the bomb-ass breakfast my boyfriend made me this morning. Potatoes, onions, and bell peppers with cheeeese. YUM.
45. Last time you got your paycheck, how much was it? Were you satisfied with it?:  It was ~$640, which is great for only 8 days of work. 
46. How, exactly, did you and your best friend meet?:  Which one? I have 2. One was in high school, one was at one of my jobs in college.
47. What was the last compliment you received?: Couldn't say.
49. The last time you got a really good bargain, what was it on?: Hmm... no clue. :/
50. What’s one thing you wish you could re-live, just for one day?: Nothing.
PLAY [from this moment on]
51. Now that you’re done, what will you do?:  Keep jumping around on the interwebs.
52. What’s on your agenda for today?: Be at work ALL DAY
53. What’s your next meal going to be?: I dunno, but it can't come soon enough.
54. Will you change your clothes later in the day?:  Not until I'm home and I change to comfy clothes/pajamas.
55. Who do you plan on seeing today?:  All of the people I work with, Joe.
56. Are you going to take another survey afterwards?:  Eh, probs.
57. Is the weather supposed to stay this way all day, or will it change?:  All day I think.
58. Do you have any chores you need to do?:  No, but I have work I need to do!
59. Do you have work later in the day?: I'm at work right now.
60. What about any homework to do?: I am not a student, and therefore have no homework.

Strikethrough Survey (Cross out what IS true)

I have/had piercings besides the ears.
I want piercings besides the ears.
I have many scars.
I tan easily.
I wish my hair was a different color.
I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color.
I have/want a tattoo.
I can be self-conscious about my appearance.
I have/had braces. 
I have more than two piercings.

Disney movies still make me cry.
I’ve laughed so hard I’ve cried.
I’ve glued my hand to something.
I’ve laughed until some kind of beverage came out of my nose
I’ve had my pants rip in public.
I’ve touched something sharp/hot/etc to see if it would hurt.

I’ve gotten stitches.
I’ve broken or dislocated a bone.
I’ve had my tonsils removed.
I’ve had my wisdom teeth removed.
I’ve had chicken pox. 

I’ve been to Florida.
I’ve driven/ridden over 200 kilometers in one day.
I’ve been on a plane.
I’ve been to Colombia
I’ve been to Cuba.
I’ve been to Niagara Falls.
I’ve been to Ottawa
I’ve been to the Caribbean.
I’ve been to Europe.

I’ve gotten lost in my city.
I’ve seen a shooting star.
I’ve wished on a shooting star.
I’ve seen a meteor shower.
I’ve gone out in public in my pajamas. 

I’ve pushed all the buttons on an elevator.
I’ve slapped someone.
I've kissed someone underwater.
I’ve chugged something
I’ve crashed a car.
I’ve been skiing.
I’ve been in a musical.
I’ve auditioned for something.

I’ve been on stage.
I’ve caught a snowflake on my tongue.
I’ve sat on a rooftop at night.
I’ve pranked someone.
I’ve ridden in a taxi.

Honesty / Crime
I’ve been threatened to be arrested.
I’ve broken a law.
I’ve done something I promised someone I wouldn’t.
I’ve done something I promised myself I wouldn’t.

I’ve sneaked out.
I’ve lied about my whereabouts.
I’ve cheated while playing a game.
I’ve been in a fist fight.

I’m afraid of dying.
I hate funerals.
I’ve seen someone/something die.
Someone close to me has attempted/committed suicide.
I have attempted suicide.
I’ve thought about suicide before.
I’ve written a eulogy for myself. 

I own over 5 rap CD’s.
I like with anime/manga.
I collected comic books. 
I own a lot of makeup.
I own something from Pac Sun.
I own something I got on E-Bay.
I own something from The Gap.
I own something from Abercrombie.
I thrive on compliments.
I thrive on hate.
I can sing well.
I’ve stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant.
I open up to others easily.
I watch the news occasionally or always.
I don’t like to kill bugs.
I sing in the shower.
I’m a morning person
I’m a sports fanatic.
I twirl my hair.I care about grammar.
I love spam.
I’ve copied more than 30 CD’s in a day.
I bake well.My favorite colour is either white, yellow, pink ,blue, red, black, purple, or orange.I would wear pajamas to school.
I like Martha Stewart.
I laugh at my own jokes.
I eat fast food weekly.
I’ve not turned anything in and still got an A in a certain class.
I can’t sleep if there’s a spider in the room.I’m really ticklish.I like white chocolate.I bite my nails.
I’m good at remembering names.I’m good at remembering dates.
I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.
I’ve lost weight.
I’ve gained weight.
I’m at my thinnest.
I’m at my biggest.
I’ve lost weight and kept it off.
I’ve lost weight, but gained it back.
My weight affects my mood. A lot.
I diet. 
I have been a vegan/vegetarian.
I exercise.
I’ve fainted from exhaustion. 
I’ve sworn at my parents.
I’ve planned to run away from home before.
I’ve run away from home.
My biological parents are together.
I have a sibling less than one year old.
I want kids. 
I’ve had kids.
I’ve lost a child.
I’m engaged.
I’m married.
I’m a swinger.
I’ve gone on a blind date.
I have/had a friend with benefits.
I miss someone right now.
I have a fear of abandonment. 
I’ve gotten divorced.
I’ve had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back.
Someone has/had feelings for me when I didn’t have them back.
I’ve told someone I loved them when I didn’t.
I’ve told someone I didn’t love them when I did.
I’ve kept something from a past relationship.

I’m a cuddler.
I’ve been kissed in the rain. 
I’ve hugged a stranger.
I’ve kissed a stranger.

Bad times
I regularly drink.
I can’t swallow pills 
I can swallow numerous pills at a time without difficulty.
I’ve been diagnosed with depression at some point. 
I have/had anxiety problems.

I shut others out when I’m upset.
I don’t have anyone to talk to when I’m upset. 
I have taken/take anti-depressants.
I’ve slept an entire day before.
I’ve plotted revenge.

Never Have I Ever...

Let’s play “Never Have I Ever”. Cross out all of the things that you have done.
  • Never have I ever had a boyfriend/girlfriend.
  • Never have I ever kissed a girl.
  • Never have I ever kissed a boy.
  • Never have I ever received/given a blowjob, hand job, eating out.
  • Never have I ever had sex.
  • Never have I ever fallen in love.
  • Never have I ever cheated on someone.
  • Never have I ever been cheated on.
  • Never have I ever sexted.
  • Never have I ever gotten into a fight.
  • Never have I ever done something illegal.
  • Never have I ever gotten wasted.
  • Never have I ever used an illegal drug.
  • Never have I ever snuck out.
  • Never have I ever stolen something.
  • Never have I ever vandalized something.
  • Never have I ever lost a family member due to death.
  • Never have I ever been in a life or death situation.
  • Never have I ever been arrested.
  • Never have I ever been fired from a job.
  • Never have I ever wanted to kill someone because in the moment I hated them that much.
  • Never have I ever been kept up at night due to guilt.
  • Never have I ever laughed so hard I cried.
  • Never have I ever been abused physically.
  • Never have I ever cried myself to sleep.
  • Never have I ever wished that I was someone else.
  • Never have I ever wanted to kill myself.
  • Never have I ever tried to kill myself.
  • Never have I ever felt like an outcast.
  • Never have I ever wanted to do something just so I would fit in.
  • Never have I ever ruined my friendship with someone.
  • Never have I ever had a friend leave me for other people.
  • Never have I ever been kicked out of a friend group.
  • Never have I ever wished that I had different friends.
  • Never have I ever wanted to fuck one of my friends.
  • Never have I ever wished that I could be more than friends with someone.
  • Never have I ever wished I was friends with the popular people.
  • Never have I ever been friendless.
  • Never have I ever failed a test.
  • Never have I ever cut class.
  • Never have I ever had to eat alone.
  • Never have I ever failed a course.
  • Never have I ever been suspended.
  • Never have I ever received detention.
  • Never have I ever passed notes/texted in class.
  • Never have I ever made out with someone in school.
  • Never have I ever dropped out of school.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

High School (Which ended over 5 years ago for me, so I will likely be forgetful)

FRESHMAN YEAR (9th Grade):
What school did you go to? Crescent Valley High School
What were your school colors? Burgandy and gold. Gross.
Did you ever ditch? Ha. Like, twice.
Who were your best friends? I don't remember freshman year... that was the year I had a lot of friends. Probs Cassie and Kitti.
What elective classes did you take? Choir, Orchestra, Theatre I. 
Who was your favorite teacher? Hmm... Mrs. Merwin? (Theatre)
Did you pass all of your classes? Yep.
How did you get to/from school? Bus.
Did you drink/smoke? Nuh uh.
Did you go to homecoming? Yyyyup.
Did you go to prom? Prom wasn't until 11th or 12th grade, so no. 
If so, who were your dates? See above answer.
Did you play any sports? Nope.
Were you involved in any clubs? I was in the Gay-Straight Alliance for awhile.

SOPHOMORE YEAR (10th Grade):
Did you go to sporting events? Not a one.
Ever get detention? Probably.
Did you play sports? Nope.
Who did you date? His name was Wes.
Did you hang out with mostly guys or girls? Guys.
What was your least favorite class? P.E.
Did you hate anyone? Probs.
Did you have the same friends as freshman year? Kinda, but not so much.
Go to any dances? If so, who was your date? Probably a couple dances. Date would always be Wes because he was my boyfriend through all of high school.

JUNIOR YEAR (11th Grade):
Did you wish you could change schools? Nah. 
How did you spend your birthday that year? I have no idea.
Where were all the parties? I don't know, I didn't go to them.
Ever get suspended? Nope.
How many boyfriends/girlfriends did you have? 1.
Who were they? Wes.
Do any drugs during school? Nope.
Did you play sports? Nuh uh.
Did you go to homecoming or prom? If so, who were your dates? Didn't go to junior prom. No interest.

SENIOR YEAR (12th Grade):
Did you change schools? Nope.
Was it the best year of high school? Eh. High school as a whole sucked.
Was it stressful? Probs.
Did you get in trouble a lot? Not really.
Did you keep your same friends all through high school? Not really. Lost most of them, since I spent all my time with my toxic AF boyfriend.
Did you fail any classes? Not a one.
Where did you take your senior pictures? Just at a cool park. My mom took them, so it was free.
What teacher really helped you the most? I couldn't say.
Did you play any sports? I played ultimate frisbee for like, a month.
Were you involved in any clubs? Drama club.
How did you get to/from school? Still bus.
Did you drink/smoke? Still no.
Did you go to homecoming? Nope.
Did you go to prom? If so, who were your dates? Yeah. Went with Wes, he was a mopey ass, danced with my friend Alice for much of it. Prom was stupid.


What’s your boy/girlfriends name? Joe
How did you guys meet? College.
Who asked who out? There wasn't really anyone asking anyone out. Just kinda happened.
Were either of you rebounding from another relationship? No, but I was kinda dating someone else when we started getting involved. (I'm not proud of this.)
How long before your 1st kiss? Before we were dating.
Who initiated the 1st kiss? He did. ^_^
Do you celebrate monthly anniversaries or just yearly? Yearly.
What was the last anniversary you celebrated? One year.
What did you guys get each other? I took him out to a fancy 3-course fondue meal, he got me a DS game, because nerd love.
What is your partner’s best physical trait? His eyes, and his beard.
What is the nicest thing he/she has done for you? He does a lot of wonderful things, so I can't pick out one thing.
Do your parents like your partner? They adore him. He's family now.
Do your partner’s parents like you? His mom loves me. She randomly texts and FB messages me. :P
Does your partner call you by any nicknames or pet names? If so, what? Samface, babe, baby, babers... might be more I'm forgetting.
Do you two have any inside jokes? MANY.
Have you ever gone in public with matching outfits? No, that's kinda gross.
Do you have the same hobbies and interests? Quite a few, though not everything.
What do you actually have in common? Video games, board games, we were both English majors, we both love Netflix, lots of shared music tastes... we have a ton in common, really.
Do you share the same friends? Definitely a few of them.
What is your partners birthday? January 31st
What is their zodiac sign? Aquarius
What does their sign say about their personality? Don't know, don't care. Don't really go for astrology stuff.
Do you read your couples horoscope? Nah. See above comment about astrology.
Do you even believe in that stuff? Again, see above.
Ever been given a promise ring? If so, what were you promising? Ha! Yeah, in high school we promised to love each other forever. I think we actually considered it an engagement ring. It was dumb. 
When did you last give or receive flowers? My birthday a few years ago I got flowers for my birthday from my grama.
How many teddy bears do you own? That he gave me, or in general? Because 0 from him. I have several in general, though.
What is your favorite type of chocolate? White. (Yes, I know it's not real chocolate, and I DGAF.)
How do you feel about Valentines Day? It's alright.
Were you dating your partner last Valentines Day? Yeah.
Are you in love with him/her? Yes.
Define Love: Not really defineable. If you have any doubt, you probably aren't in love.
If you’re in love, how soon did you tell your partner? I blurted it out at a bar while I was kinda drunk (but coherent, I meant it) unintentionally about a month after dating.
Can you see yourself marrying them? Yeah.
Do you think you are too young to get married? Nah.
Anything you want to accomplish before you get married? I told him that he has to finish college first (he has 2 quarters left)
Would you consider eloping? Yeah, but only to keep my stepmom from coming to my wedding.
Would you like to pick out your ring or be surprised? Surprised. He knows what I don't like (gold, diamonds), so I trust him. 
Would you like your partner to ask your father or family’s blessing? No. He knows they'd be fine with it, and my parents would probably laugh at him. :P
Who would you like to walk you down the aisle? I wish that I could have my dad AND my stepdad do it.
If you had a destination wedding where would it be? Eh, don't want that.
Do you already know who you would ask to be in your bridal party? Yeah, though I think there'd be 2 guys and 1 girl in there. XD