1. How often do you actually go out and hang out with friends?
Occasionally, but maybe once or twice a month.
2. Are there any ways in which you are very open-minded?
A lot of ways.
3. What is your age limit when it comes to dating (compared to how old you are)?
I'd probably date someone 19-25. I'm 20, and I don't know that I'd date anyone older than 25 even though I have friends who have dated in a larger gap.
4. Have you ever crossed a bridge for trains/traintracks? Did you worry about whether or not a train would come, and what you would do if that actually happened?
I have, but I wasn't worried. Trains are really loud. I would have heard it.
5. Have you ever been to a real recording studio? If so, did you do any recording yourself?
I have not, but I have been to makeshift ones.
6. How often do you skip questions because you aren’t comfortable answering them?
I used to when I was like, 15 and on Myspace. I'd just delete them. :P
7. How often do you skip questions because they were so stupid you can’t even begin to think of a response?
I don't think I ever have. I've said "I don't know" or "I have no idea," but never skipped them.
8. Have you ever egged or TP’d someone’s house before?
I haven't, but my old apartment got egged once.
9. Whose death was the hardest for you to deal with out of everyone you know who has died?
My kitty. She was 13 years old and we had had her since I was 6. We had to get her put down earlier this year and I almost broke down in class the next day. :(
10. Do you like to go on really fast/intimidating rides at fairs?
11. Are there any talk shows you’d like to be a guest on? If so, is there anything in specific you’d like to be on there for, or talk about?
Umm... I think it'd be fun to be on This American Life, but it would have to be a story related to the week's theme.
12. Do you think people intentionally harm themselves because it’s a fad, or do you understand where they’re coming from?
Some people do it to fit in, some people do it for attention, and some people do it just because they want to remind themselves that they can feel. I have been in all 3 positions at points in my adolescence, so I know that there are various reasons people do it. It's not healthy, though, and they should talk to someone.
13. If you make surveys, how do you feel about people giving obnoxious answers to your questions?
I don't make them. I couldn't come up with creative questions.
14. Have you ever heard a song basically making fun of your religion or your beliefs? If so, how did you react to it?
I don't think there are any anti-Unitarian Universalist songs or anti-Taoist songs, and there are probably anti-Athiest songs, but I haven't heard them.
15. Pick a place somewhere in the world that you’d love to travel to. Why exactly do you want to travel there?
Hmm... I want to go to Spain. I have Basque in my heritage, and it seems like a really beautiful place.
16. Do you find guys with hair past their shoulders attractive or “dirty”?
No, I find it sexy. I love long hair on guys.
17. Does it annoy you when a survey asks you the same question twice, just reworded?
Oh yes. -.-
18. What do you think of the stereotypical “metalhead” style (not the emo-punk-rock style, the actual metal style with leather, spikes, chains, belts with bullets, etc.)? Do you like it, or do you find it extremely unappealing?
It is what it is. I'm kinda neutral on it. I mean, I'm going to a metal show in a couple months, so... :P
19. Have you watched any movies lately that you absolutely loved?
I really liked Ruby Sparks.
20. When you’re really pissed off, would you rather be alone or be with at least one person?
Depends on how pissed off exactly and also who the person is, and why I'm pissed.
1. What are you looking forward to?
School starting, UU YA con, and The Black Dahlia Murder concert.
2. What did you do last night? By doing that, what time did you go to bed? And what time did you wake up this morning?
Not a whole lot, did stuff on my iPad mainly. I went to bed around 4 am, and I woke up today at... noon-ish, maybe 12:30...
3. Who was the last person to text you? What did they say?
My friend Ben and he said "Yikes. Get them often?" in a discussion about how I get nosebleeds.
4. Are you excited for the New Year?
It's not anytime soon, so not especially.
5. Are you afraid of death?
No, I'm not.
6. Do you care about what others think of your physical appearance?
Sometimes I do, though I doubt I'd admit that to anyone I know.
7. How about your reputation?
See above answer.
8. Do you think that music was better when your parents were young, or now?
That's a huge gap. I think the music that happened in the 90s, when I was young was much better than most modern stuff.
9. If you drink coffee, how do you like it (with cream, black, etc)?
I like it creamy, and occasionally a tiny bit of sugar, but usually not sweet.
10. Describe your stance on religion in general?
I feel like many of them cause a lot more harm than necessary. I respect people's beliefs unless they are trying to force them on me or using them as an excuse to treat somebody else in a way that is cruel.
11. When you are mad at someone, how do you show them?
Act curt, I suppose.
12. When was the last time you felt overwhelmed?
Oh geez. Probably at sUUrounded (one of my UU events) when we did this worship that is really powerful and I got all emotional and started crying because I felt overwhelmed with the amount of love in that community.
13. Are you afraid to walk places at night if you are alone?
Sometimes. If it's on a busy street, I'm not, but if it's in a quiet, dark part of town, YES.
14. The person you love is in love with someone else. Are you happy for them?
I would try to be happy for them while being hurt inside.
15. Do you have wireless internet?
Indeedy, but my computer is connected with an ethernet cord because my laptop's wifi crapped out after I dropped it... T_T;;
1. Do you ever save up shopping bags that you find cute or just throw them away after?
I save them, but just for recycling, really. And plastic bags are banned here.
2. Are you one of those people who are never satisfied with a haircut after you get it?
Nah, I've had plenty of great haircuts.
3. What is the weirdest thing you have ever done with a crush or significant other?
Oh, there are a lot of weird things I've done with both my current boyfriend and my ex. 6 years of weirdness? I can't pick one moment.
4. Do you shave your arms even though it supposedly grows back thick?
Why would I shave my arms? That's weird. And unnatural.
5. Can you take a number two in a public bathroom and/or another person’s house?
If I need to go, I do. I try not to go at other people's houses, but I can handle doing it in a public bathroom.
6. If you’re still in grade school, what summer reading book(s) are you going to read?
Haha. Grade school kids do these? They have no answers!
7. What was the stupidest trend you followed?
Fuck if I know.
8. Any interesting encounters with a celebrity? If so, share the best one!
Once I was in DC and someone ran into me really hard and didn't say anything. My mom asked if I know who it was, and apparently it was Hillary Clinton. That was a bit interesting, especially since she didn't even stop or apologize.
9. Do you ever get too lazy to clean up your pet’s pee and leave it for your parents to do it?
I don't have a pet and I don't live with my parents.
10. Do you go to Barnes and Nobles to actually read books or just magazines?
I don't know how long it's been since I've been to a B&N.
11. Do you have any polaroid pictures lying around?
Not a one.
12. Did your last 11:11 wish come true or not?
I don't wish on 11:11.
13. What’s the first channel you turn to when you open your TV?
Usually Cartoon Network if it's nighttime. In the daytime, it will likely be The Food Network or whatever looks interesting.
14. Does it take you at least five minutes to decide what you want to eat in a food shop?
Usually longer. I have a really hard time making decisions.
15. What insects or bugs do you fear most?
Earwigs and silverfish really skeeve me out.
16. Did you ever get scared by someone and drop something important while your at it?
I'm sure that's probably happened, since I'm clumsy and jumpy.
17. Do you think weed is just as bad as cigarettes?
It's actually not as bad. They've done studies and stuff. :/
18. What number is most common in your phone number?
1, I think.
19. What color do you dye your hair most often with?
Auburnish, I think.
20. Don’t you just love free samples?
21. Do you think American Idol is totally rigged?
If it is, it is. I don't watch it, I don't care, and the only person who was ever REALLY successful from it was Kelly Clarkson, and she was the first ever winner, so... *shrug*
22. Did you watch any of the movies nominated for Best Movie Of The Year? Did they deserve the nomination?
I did. I really liked Silver Linings Playbook, and Life of Pi was good. Argo wasn't all that amazing, and I don't think it should have won. I still want to see what both Lincoln and Django Unchained.
23. What’s the most annoying notification you get on your feed on Facebook?
I don't know?
24. Do you doodle or write lyrics on your folder?
Sometimes I doodle.
25. What do you think about music shuffle surveys?
They can be great.
26. What are some bands that annoy the hell out of you?
One Direction is really annoying.
27. Type down an insult in another language and tell us what it means.
I can't think of any at the moment.
28. Do you still consider overly photoshopped pictures photography?
They're art, but I don't know that I'd call them "photography"
29. Do you hate it when people think they “own” a band, store, object, etc or are you guilty?
What the fuck are you going on about?
30. Where was the weirdest place you’ve ever gotten a pimple at?
I think I got one on my upper thigh once.
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