Do you regret anything you’ve done so far in 2013?
- Nothing major.
In your phone’s contacts, who is the first person stored under the letter ‘T’?
- Thaddeus (my stepdad)
How about the letter ‘H’?
- Hana (my boss) {Yes, my boss and I have each other's numbers and have even texted. I know it's weird.}
How long did it take you to get over the last person you fell for?
- Umm... I don't know. We were together 4 years and even now, I still miss him sometimes.
Who do you text the most?
- Probably my mom, actually.
The person you like calls you right now, what’s the first thing you say?
- "Why are you calling me? You should just come out to the living room and talk to me, weirdo." :P
Do you like snow?
- Only when it sticks and it's enough that fun things can be done. :D
Who was the last person you missed a call from?
- My friend Kylee
Do you like it when someone runs their fingers through your hair?
- Sometimes.
Would you kiss the last person that texted you?
- Considering it was my boyfriend, yes.
How long have you known the last person of the opposite sex that you texted?
- He and I have known each other for nearly 3 years now, and we've been dating to close to 2. :)
The last time you hung out with close friends, what did you do?
- Umm... I don't know that I've hung out with any good friends recently. I guess if you count my Unitarian Universalist Young Adult group, we went camping. That was fun.
What type of chocolate did you eat last?
- ALL THE CHOCOLATE (It was a delicious triple chocolate mousse mini cake-ish thing and it was SO GOOD
Has the person you like ever seen you without your make-up on?
- I live with him. In short, yes, as well as much worse than that.
Who was the last person to make you blush?
- I'm not quite sure.
Has the last person you text messaged met your family?
- Yes, he's met all 4 of my parents, my grama on my mom's side, and most of the family on my dad's side. :)
What was the last thing the person you like said to you?
- Probably "goodnight"
Have you forgotten anyone’s birthday recently?
- Not that I can think of. Oh shit, yes. A good friend of mine, actually. T_T
The last person you kissed, have you met their family?
- Yup, but only parents.
What do you miss most about your childhood?
- No worries.
Are you willing to make the first move, if the person you like is too shy?
- Mmhmm.
What do you have in your pockets?
- I currently have no pockets.
How many of your friends do you 100% trust?
- A few.
Where is the person you have feelings for at this moment?
- Sleeping in our bed.
Have you lost contact with anyone that you wish you hadn’t?
- I'm sure everyone has.
What’s the easiest way that someone can tell if you’re upset?
- They can tell. I'm really easy to read.
What was the last magazine you bought?
- I have no idea. It's been a long time since I bought one.
Has a close friend ever seriously hurt you?
- Not really.
What was the last thing you felt stressed out about?
- Money stuff, food stamps...
How did you meet the last person who Facebook messaged you?
- Unitarian Universalist Young Adult conferences.
Has the last person that texted you ever been to your house?
- He lives in it.
Why aren’t you texting the person you like?
- Because I live with him.
How many people would you say you’ve had strong feelings for?
- 2 when it comes to love.
Do you listen to your friends if they say a guy or girl isn’t right for you?
- I will listen and explain my own reasons for liking whoever it is I like, all respectfully
How many people of the opposite sex have made you cry?
- Oh god. I don't know.
Did you like what you saw when you looked in the mirror this morning?
- Eh.
Has anyone pissed you off recently?
- Not that I can think of.
How many people of the opposite sex have told you they loved you?
- Quite a few... It's mildly irritating, honestly.
Does the person you like have any celebrity crushes?
- I mean, I'm sure he does, but not that I can think of right now.
What was the first CD you ever owned?
- Maybe N'Sync? Or the Titanic soundtrack? I dunno, I had a few when I was younger, but I can't name the order I got them in.
What subjects do you/did you get the best grades in?
- Linguistics! (Essentially anything that isn't math or science, also.)
What color are the eyes of the person you have feelings for?
- Green with hazel around the pupil.
Could you date someone with longer hair than yourself?
- I'm sure I could. I like long hair. :)
Do you know any guys who wear make-up or nail varnish?
- Not ones that don't do drag.
Who was the last person you talked to whose name started with a letter ‘J’?
- It was probably Jimmy, one of my bosses.
What was the last thing a friend borrowed from you?
- My Rocky Horror Picture Show DVD.
Are there any ways in which you’re massively different now, compared to when you were younger?
- There are MANY. For one, "younger" is a very broad term and could mean anything from when I was 5 to a year ago. Also, I'm 20, and so I've grown up a lot in the past few years alone and have become a new person as part of that.
What is something you really want right now?
- To eat one of the peaches in the fridge.
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