Who was the last person to use your computer, other than you?
- Probably Ryan?
Does the last person you kissed wear glasses?
- No.
What color were your last ex’s eyes?
- Depended. Green and gold, mostly.
When did you last see your ex?
- Early summer.
Do you have a certain type of guy/girl that you always go for, or have they all been very different?
- The guys I am interested in all have differences and similarities, but mostly different. The girls I like tend to fall into a few categories.
Have you ever been suspended from school?
- Nope! :D
Is there anyone you think deserves to be slapped? If so, why?
- I don't know that I really think anybody DESERVES to be slapped. O.o
Are you a nice person?
- I hope so.
The last person you kissed tells you that he/she hates you. What do you say?
- I wouldn't believe him. He seemed fine up until that point (whenever that is :P) and he lives with me, so that would be a bit rough.
Do you have nice hair?
- Eh. I can't wait to lighten it even more.
Do you know anyone who is homophobic?
- Umm... hmm... Yes, but only when it comes to homosexual males, which is almost worse.
How many people have you kissed in the last 3 months?
- Umm... maybe... 7? (Spin the bottle...)
What does the nicest text message in your inbox say and who is it from?
This probably isn't the sweetest, but it's the most recent, but it says "You so sweet <3" and it's from Ryan.
Have you ever received a compliment about any of the clothes you’re wearing?
- Occasionally, yeah.
Out of all the people you’ve ever kissed, how many have had blue eyes?
- I have kissed WAAAAAAYYYY too many people to answer that.
What do you remember about the last party you went to? Who else was there? What happened?
-Oh... last party? I guess that was the taco night some coworkers and I had. We made tacos, drank some beer, played some Cards Against Humanity and just hung out.
When was the last time the weather ruined some plans you’d made?
- Not anytime recently, that's for sure.
When was the last time you saw someone you don’t like, or don’t get on with?
- There aren't many people I don't like.
Find the 9th text message in your inbox. Who is it from? Have you ever seen that person naked?
- It was Ryan, and yes, I've seen him nekkid. :P
Did you kiss someone yesterday?
- Mmhmm.
Does the last person you texted know what color your eyes are?
- Yus. :3
Do you think the last person you hugged would cry if you died?
- I'm pretty sure he would. At least, I'd hope so.
The last time you cried, was it from physical or emotional pain?
- Likely emotional. It's been a very long time since I've cried from physical pain.
Say something to the last person you kissed.
- Hey. I love you. <3
Do you have a friend who tells you literally everything?
- Umm... I have a friend I can think of who tells me a lot. I don't know that she tells me everything though.
Are you attracted to the last person that Facebook messaged you?
- No. She's pretty cool, and she's gorgeous, but she's just a friend.
Do you still talk to the person you liked 6 months ago?
- Same person I'm in a relationship with now. So yes.
Someone tells you that you’re not good enough for the person you love/like. What do you say?
- I think he and I are perfect for each other. He and I love each other, we live together, and I'm sorry that you seem to dislike me for some reason, but there isn't really much you can do about it.
When was the last time you drank Coca Cola?
- Not for quite awhile. I prefer Pepsi.
Have you ever been called “gorgeous?”
- Yes, and it's my favorite word for "attractive" to be called. <3
Do you worry a lot?
- More than I should.
Which of your friends has the personality most similar to yours?
- I have no idea. All of them have similarities and differences to me.
It’s 3am and you can’t sleep. What do you do?
- Post here, listen to music, go on Facebook, play with my iPad, play some WoW, write in my journal...
What was the filling on the last sandwich you ate?
- Umm... I think it was peanut butter and honey.
Is anyone toying with your emotions?
- Not that I can tell.
What color was the underwear you wore yesterday?
- White.
Can you remember the last time you disobeyed your parents, or went against something they’d said?
- Well, I'm 20, so they have no authority over me, but I know my mom wasn't thrilled when I got my ears gauged.
Do you have the same color eyes as your father?
- Somewhat. I mean, irises are all very different, like fingerprints.
Do you bottle up your feelings?
- I try but I'm far too emotional to be able to do that.
Have you thought about sex, or anything sexual, at any point during the last 24 hours?
- I'm sure I have.
What if you found your best friend in bed with the last person you kissed?
- I'd be confused and very upset and hurt.
Has anything you’ve done in the last 2 months been a mistake?
- I don't think any serious mistakes.
Has someone of the opposite sex annoyed or upset you recently?
- Probably.
Do you remember the last time you saw someone you hadn’t seen/talked to in a while? Did you speak to them?
- Probably con, and I saw a lot of people I hadn't seen and/or talked to in awhile.
Do you know more than 2 people with the same first name as you?
- Oh god, I can think of too many. There are many people named Sam, Sammy, Sami, Sammie, Sammi, and Samantha. -.-
When did you last look at the Facebook profile of the person you’re currently interested in?
- Today, since he posted a video he wanted me to watch.
Do you know anyone who lost their virginity before the legal age of consent? Do you/did you feel pressured to lose it early?
- A lot of people lose their virginity before 18. I lost mine less than a month after I turned 15 and it wasn't because I felt pressured. I was ready and had a very adult conversation about it before and I was safe when we made that decision.
Should you be doing something else atm, instead of this survey?
- Probably should be sleeping, since it's about 3 am.
What did you think of the questions in this survey? Was this survey too similar to a lot of others you’ve done?
- There were definitely some similarities, but whatevs..
Do you ever feel like you’ve done too many surveys?
- Haha. Yup.
If you had filled in this survey a week ago, to what extent do you think your answers would have been different?
- There would definitely be some different answers.
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