Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Random Survey #14

1. Is there someone you would like to be with at this moment? Why aren’t you with them?
- Yeah, he's in Canada.
2. If you were going to make a sandwich now, what would you put on it?
- Hmm... peanut butter and honey, maybe.
3. What’s your relationship with the last person you talked to on the phone?
- I believe it was my stepmother.
4. Is there a friend you haven’t seen or spoken to in a while? Why haven’t you seen or spoken to them?
- My friend Alice and I don't talk much because we're both at college in different places. My friend Karin and I, kinda a similar situation. 
5. Do you ignore people when you’re annoyed or upset?
- In certain situations I'll take a break for a few days before talking to them about it (since communication will solve it much easier)
6. Is there anything worrying you atm? Would you like to talk about it?
- Not that I can think of.
7. Is there anyone that you know definitely doesn’t like you? Does that bother you?
- I have suspicions that somebody doesn't like me, but whatever. 
8. Can you remember the last time you felt angry or upset? What was the reason?
- I have no idea. I have a tendency to lose my temper easily and then regain it just as quickly.
9. Who were the last three people you talked to before going to bed last night?
- Ryan, and some people at work, I guess?
10. Are you wearing nail varnish? Is it chipped?
- No.
11. Tell me about the last conversation you had with a friend of the same sex. Who did you talk to, and what did you talk about?
- I don't remember. Was likely my coworker Chelsea, and we talked about a lot of stuff.
12. Now tell me about the last conversation you had with a friend of the opposite sex.
- It would have to be my boyfriend. We had a brief conversation about how I didn't want to join him in bed because I wasn't ready for bed yet.
13. You’re trying to end a conversation, but the other person doesn’t seem to want to stop talking. What do you do?
- I just kinda sit and make my responses shorter until they go or until I have to leave for some reason.
14. Have you ever told anyone that you wished you’d never met them? Did you mean it?
- I don't believe I have.
15. Who is the most intelligent person you know?
- I know quite a few. I can't choose one.
16. Would you say your name is a ‘common’ name? Do you know lots of other people with your name?
- YES. Everyone is Samantha, or Samson and Samuel. I go by Sammi and Sam, which are common, as are Sammy, Sammie, and Sami. *sigh* 
17. Have you ever really liked a song to begin with, but then you listened to it so much that you got bored of it?
- That happens a lot.
18. If a boyfriend/girlfriend was clingy, would that be a problem for you?
- My boyfriend is clingy. It annoys me a bit sometimes but I know he just loves me a lot.
19. If you saw your last ex holding hands with someone else, would it bother you?
- It could happen if I go back to my hometown, since he has a girlfriend and the two of them live across the street from my dad. :/
20. Who was the last person you talked to, whose name started with a letter M? Do you know what colour that person’s eyes are?
- Mercedes. I believe her eyes are either blue or green.
21. You have a lot on your mind and really need to talk. Who would you go to?
- Ryan or Ben.
22. Which day did you prefer, yesterday, or today? Why?
- Hmm... I'm not sure. Today? No, yesterday? No... they were pretty much the same.
23. Who is the person that has hurt you the most? How has that person affected you?
- Probably my ex, and he left a huge effect on my mental state. Let's not talk about that.
24. Have you talked in your sleep before?
- So I've been told. Also walked. And sobbed, apparently. Once I texted. Umm... I'm a very... active sleeper, I guess?
25. Is there a letter that occurs in your name more than once?
- Umm... m in Sammi, a in Samantha...
26. If you could design your perfect partner, what would he/she look like? And what kind of personality would he/she have?
- Guy: Taller than me, a couple years older, long hair, subtle clothes (just jeans and plain shirts, I guess), and he'd have to be funny. I'd like it if he were somewhat protective, and he'd have to be able to give really nice teddy bear hugs and good snuggles so I feel perfect in his arms. It'd be cool if he'd sing with me.
Girl: Shorter than me, hair can be either, beautiful, mousy personality. Shy and somebody I can protect. Kinda cute. Pretty bright eyes. Somebody who would understand why I cling to her so tightly and loves being wrapped tight in my arms. She also has to be a good kisser. It'd be great if she would sing with me as well.
27. Think about the first person you had a relationship with. Do you believe that person loved you?
- Like, in kindergarten? No, not exactly.
28. Who is the first person who comes to mind that you dislike. Why? How often do you see/speak to that person?
- I have a coworker who is super duper religious and everything has to be related to God for her and it's kinda annoying, since I'm not really religious. :/ 
29. For numbers 1 to 5, list the names of the last 5 people that texted you. For numbers 6 to 10, list the names of the last 5 people you talked to online.
  1. Candi (mom)
  2. April
  3. Ryan
  4. Kraig
  5. Alice
  6. Lex
  7. Ben P.
  8. Dylan 
  9. Meegwun
  10. Ethan N.
30. Who is 8 going out with? What do you think of that person?
- He is single at the moment.
31. Does 5 live within walking distance?
- No, we live in separate parts of the state.
32. What is 2’s ex called?
- I have no idea.
33. What is 7’s favorite food?
- I could not tell you.
34. What is 6’s mother called?
- I do not have that knowledge available to me.
35. How many boyfriends/girlfriends has 3 had?
- I'm his 3rd girlfriend.
36. Is 9 attractive?
- Yeah, he's pretty good looking.
37. What kind of music does 1 listen to?
- She listens to a lot of stuff. Like me, there's a huge indescribable variety. 
38. What color is 10’s hair?
- Blonde.
39. What is 4’s favorite color?
- Oh, look! Another question I can't answer! :D
40. Have you ever hugged 3?
- Many many times.
41. What if 1 told you he/she was going to be a mother/father?
- I would be pretty surprised because I don't think my mom would keep it at her age, but I'd also be excited to get a baby brother or sister.
42. Have you ever got drunk with 2?
- No, but I have a feeling that will happen someday.
43. Is 9 in a relationship?
- I don't think so, but I can't say for sure.
44. What is your earliest memory of 8?
- Meeting him at con and not talking to him much.
45. What kind of men/women does 6 like?
- I don't think he has a specific type.
46. Who has kissed the most people, you or 5?
- Haha. Me by a LOT.
47. Briefly describe your relationship with 10.
- Met at a youth con, haven't seen him since then.
48. Does 4 have any pets?
- I don't know. He's never mentioned any.
49. How long have you known 7?
- Not too long. Less than a year.
50. To finish, say something nice about each person. :)
  1. My mom - She and I are super close. :)
  2. April - Is a fantastic human being and the best fiance ever. :P
  3. Ryan - Is the best and healthiest relationship I've ever had.
  4. Kraig - Is a really cool guy and I'm really glad that he and I stopped hating each other. :P
  5. Alice - Is one of the sweetest, most inspriational, wonderful people I have ever met and I'm really glad that we're still good friends.
  6. Lex - Is a really fun person and great to roadtrip with. :)
  7. Ben - Is really sweet and is the kind of person who will always be there for you.
  8. Dylan - Is really easy to talk to, and gives awesome hugs.
  9. Meegwun - Is the kind of person who is great for having long intelligent conversations with.
  10. Ethan - I haven't seen him in years, but I recall that he and I had a really long conversation.

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