Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Random Survey #21

1. Is there someone you would like to be with at this moment? Why aren’t you with them?
- Because he's in bed and I'll be with him soon. :P
2. If you were going to make a sandwich now, what would you put on it?
- Hmm... just a veggie sandwich sounds pretty good atm.
3. What’s your relationship with the last person you talked to on the phone?
- He's my daddy. <3
4. Is there a friend you haven’t seen or spoken to in a while? Why haven’t you seen or spoken to them?
- Hmm... yeah. I really don't like her boyfriend and he's really changed her, plus we live in separate states, so we don't really talk much anymore.
5. Do you ignore people when you’re annoyed or upset?
- It really depends on the person, but in most cases, I try to communicate with them and have a conversation about what it is that's bothering me.
6. Is there anything worrying you atm? Would you like to talk about it?
- Not so much... I mean, there isn't much to be worried about. I mean, my boyfriend (who I currently live with) is moving back to Washington in a month and a half and I'm staying in Oregon, so I'm a little worried, even though I know we can probably make it being long-distance. It's only a year and a half.
7. Is there anyone that you know definitely doesn’t like you? Does that bother you?
- I'm sure there are people that don't, but it doesn't really affect me.
8. Can you remember the last time you felt angry or upset? What was the reason?
- Hmm... I do quite frequently. Thank you, mental health issues.
9. Who were the last three people you talked to before going to bed last night?
- Ryan (the boyfriend), Craig (Ryan's stepbrother) and Marla (Ryan's stepmother)
10. Are you wearing nail varnish? Is it chipped?
- Yep, candy cane stripes. And it is chipped. Been almost a week since I did it.
11. Tell me about the last conversation you had with a friend of the same sex. Who did you talk to, and what did you talk about?
- I have no idea, honestly. I don't have many girlfriends.
12. Now tell me about the last conversation you had with a friend of the opposite sex.
- If my boyfriend counts, it was about how he was going to bed and wanted me to join him, but I wasn't ready.
13. You’re trying to end a conversation, but the other person doesn’t seem to want to stop talking. What do you do?
- I just sit and wait and start responding less and if I have to go, I let them know.
14. Have you ever told anyone that you wished you’d never met them? Did you mean it?
- I don't think so... at least not that I know of.
15. Who is the most intelligent person you know?
- Hmm... either my stepdad, my boyfriend, or my ex.
16. Would you say your name is a ‘common’ name? Do you know lots of other people with your name?
- YES. There were so many "Sam"s, "Sammi"s, "Sami"s, "Sammie"s and "Sammy"s as I was growing up. It was horrible.
17. Have you ever really liked a song to begin with, but then you listened to it so much that you got bored of it?
- Doesn't that happen to everyone? :P
18. If a boyfriend/girlfriend was clingy, would that be a problem for you?
-I've definitely gotten irritated with clingy boyfriends. Haven't had any clingy girlfriends (yet?).
19. If you saw your last ex holding hands with someone else, would it bother you?
- No. I know he lives with his girlfriend. We broke up over 2 years ago, so it's whatever.
20. Who was the last person you talked to, whose name started with a letter M? Do you know what color that person’s eyes are?
- Hmm... It would have been Marla, Ryan's stepmom, and I really couldn't say.
21. You have a lot on your mind and really need to talk. Who would you go to?
- Ryan. If he's involved, mom. If I can't tell her... I dunno.
22. Which day did you prefer, yesterday, or today? Why?
- Today, I guess because I'm home with my mom and stepdad and Ryan's here. :)
23. Who is the person that has hurt you the most? How has that person affected you?
- Probably my ex. I don't want to get into it, it was 4 years and there was far too much affectation for me to sum it up.
24. Have you talked in your sleep before?
- So I've been told.
25. Is there a letter that occurs in your name more than once?
- My full first name has 3 As. One of my two nicknames has 2 Ms.
26. If you could design your perfect partner, what would he/she look like? And what kind of personality would he/she have?
- Male: Taller than me, fit but not overly so, long hair, and a great smile. Really sweet, but not too clingy or possessive. Protective, but only when he needs to be. Not too sensitive, but still somewhat so. Funny is a must.
Female: Shorter than me, really cute, either really feminine and pretty or butch (but cute), really sweet and adorable personality-wise as well, lets me be the protective one. Maybe a little clingy, but not too much.
27. Think about the first person you had a relationship with. Do you believe that person loved you?
- Well, if we're talking about my first serious relationship, I know he did. It was just that we had too many cracks and holes to patch things up before it all came crashing down.
28. Who is the first person who comes to mind that you dislike. Why? How often do you see/speak to that person?
- My old dorm roommate. She was a complete bitch and turned the entire "girl" floor against me, simply because I was weird and different and not a typical sorority girl type.
29. For numbers 1 to 5, list the names of the last 5 people that texted you. For numbers 6 to 10, list the names of the last 5 people you talked to online.
  1. Mom
  2. Ryan
  3. Sho
  4. Mercedes B.
  5. Chelsea
  6. Eyvonne
  7. Dylan
  8. Meegwun
  9. Justin
  10. Shelley
30. Who is 8 going out with? What do you think of that person?
- Nobody, at the moment.
31. Does 5 live within walking distance?
- I don't know exactly where she lives, but I know she lives in the same town as me. Maybe?
32. What is 2’s ex called?
- Rosalyn.
33. What is 7’s favorite food?
- I don't have the slightest idea.
34. What is 6’s mother called?
- Oh hell, I should know this. Geri? Maybe?
35. How many boyfriends/girlfriends has 3 had?
- I wouldn't know.
36. Is 9 attractive?
- He's not really somebody I find attractive, but he isn't a bad looking guy, and could definitely be seen as attractive. (Hopefully that made sense.)
37. What kind of music does 1 listen to?
- A lot of different stuff. Mostly alternative, I'd say.
38. What color is 10’s hair?
- Brown.
39. What is 4’s favorite color?
- I could not say.
40. Have you ever hugged 3?
- Nope.
41. What if 1 told you he/she was going to be a mother/father?
- I would be very very surprised but also kinda excited.
42. Have you ever got drunk with 2?
- Oh yes. Many times.
43. Is 9 in a relationship?
- I don't know but I don't think so.
44. What is your earliest memory of 8?
- When we met at a teen game night.
45. What kind of men/women does 6 like?
- I honestly don't know because I've only known of one girl she's even dated... she doesn't really date much, from what I can tell.
46. Who has kissed the most people, you or 5?
- Most likely me, but I can't be sure.
47. Briefly describe your relationship with 10.
- Mom's best friend since childhood.
48. Does 4 have any pets?
- Two cats, who she adores.
49. How long have you known 7?
- Wow... not even a year. Feels much longer. Since April 2013.
50. To finish, say something nice about each person. :)
  1. Mom - is there for me no matter what, is always supportive, and I love her to death.
  2. Ryan - has been the winner of best partner ever. He's so sweet and caring and he loves me despite the hell I give him and all my faults.
  3. Sho - is somebody I don't know all that well, but he seems like a really awesome guy and I can't wait to live with him.
  4. Mercedes - is amazing and funny and has a way of saying the funniest but meanest thing possible at any point in the day. :P
  5. Chelsea - is really adorable and sweet and super nice and she and her girlfriend are the cutest couple ever.
  6. Eyvonne - is a wonderful person and is great at organizing many different events and directing plays and just is super organized.
  7. Dylan - has always been there to talk to me and doesn't judge, even when it comes to things we don't necessarily see eye-to-eye on.
  8. Meegwun - is really intelligent and I've known him for... about 7 years and he's been pretty awesome in that entire time. 
  9. Justin - is a pretty chill coworker who has taken shifts for me and is pretty nice.
  10. Shelley - has the best laugh ever and is great at making others laugh as well. She's super nice, too, and we all joke that she and my mom had an egg cell that combined and that became me. :P

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